View Full Version : help ?

31-03-13, 02:18
I have been dealing with bad anxiety and panic attacks for a year maybe a year and a half . I am 19 . They have never been as bad as this before . I just can't get anything off my mind , It works overtime 70% of the time . Back story I was badly bullied in school and was left so i had to leave , it has truly affected my education and now i am left with no way into university they basically won. I mostly get more nervous when i leave the house . I get to the point where i wont be social and do normal things a teenager would do i feel i have missed out so badly , I have lost the best two years of being a teenager . I just can't go on this way anymore , but i just don't no what to do ?

31-03-13, 02:28
Hi there,

Sorry you're feeling so bad - I really understand how you're feeling. Believe me, they've not won and it's never too late to achieve what you want to. Have you discussed this with your GP? That would be the best first step. Discuss the different treatments and try your best to get your anxiety under control. It can be done - I'm proof of that.

I would then make an appointment to speak to a guidance officer at your local college. They're nothing like school and will help you to work out what you need to do to get to where you want to. I've seen people with no qualifications at all go on to university and get great jobs that they never thought they could. Honestly, you can achieve exactly what you want to with a bit of determination and self-belief.

Make an appointment to see your doctor next week and take it from there. Things are never as bad as you think they are.

Take care


31-03-13, 02:35
Awws thank you :) that cheered me up a lot and thank you for ur advice . I will do that


31-03-13, 07:24
Greenday, I am 31 and in my first year at uni. Out of my class of 16, 4 students are older than me. You seriously have loads of time to get into uni.

I'm glad you're going to follow Pipkin's advice, as it's the best thing to do. I hope things will improve for you soon.