View Full Version : How to tell the difference?

27-03-13, 22:26
I have had a number of panic attacks over the past 3 or 4 years. Not frequent but very frightening and on occasion bad enough that I called 999.

The usual advice on websites is 'you're not having a heart attack' but in my case I have had a heart attack, which makes me more likely to have another one, especialy in the first twelve months. So my problem now is how to distinguish between 'just another panic attack' and the real thing, quickly enough to do something about it.

Any ideas?

27-03-13, 22:34
join the british heart foundation forum. you can message heart nurses and ask them questions etc, they are always happy to help. link below:


i dont know how you would tel the differance. to be honest i would be intrested to know as i have fast heart beats and ectopics. i never know when to take it as urgent etc

Luna Pixie
28-03-13, 06:25
I don't want to sound evangelical, but the cbt4panic workbooks may help (see the thread I posted yesterday). I'm guessing that due to health issues, you are worrying about having another heart attack making a panic attack more likely to happen. Then when one does, you are then more likely to assume its a heart attack making the symptoms worse, which then causes you to panic more and so the cycle continues. Speaking from my own experience (although I've never had a heart attack) the symptoms of panic are horrendous and the more the waves of adrenaline hit, the more frightening it becomes.
The workbooks teach you to recognise the signs and tell yourself 'its ok. It's just adrenaline and nothing bad will happen' My hope for you, is that should you learn to take control of the panic and not be afraid, you would then go on to recognise and tell the difference between the two.
I hope this helped just a little bit. Take care x

28-03-13, 08:37
Hi Bernard
Good that you mentioned this because it is a very important point.

In CBT4PANIC I make it clear from the start that the explanations about Panic attacks and how to deal with them in the programme are dependent on whether or not you have been told by your GP that you are ONLY suffering from anxiety and do not have any other underlying conditions (such as heart problems)

If you do have a serious medical condition then it is very important that you follow the advice given by your GP or as mrsnobody says get a better understanding of your condition from a reliable source.

As long as you do that and take all the usual measures that are appropriate to your condition there is no reason why you shouldn't ALSO practice the coping strategies that are recommended to counteract the rising cycle of fear.

I agree that this is not straightforward in your case and you will have different concerns that a person who has been told that they are suffering from anxiety alone.

I would definitely explore the area of Mindfulness - check out any of Jon Kabat Zinn's videos on youtube or have a look at the following site


CBT4PANIC also has a separate introductory workbook on Mindfulness
