View Full Version : out of body floaty sensation

16-09-06, 07:39
I got this a lot last week at work. Even when I think I'm relaxed this reminds me that I'm not quite right.

Hard to explain but, it is as if my body - veins, arteries and limbs are filled with helium. My limbs feel very light, I feel hollow as if a breath of wind would blow me away. It is as if I am out of my body. This is very disconcerting if I stand up or walk. I then get a nagging dreadful sensation that I'm on the verge of a collapse.

This "catastrophic thinking" can go no for hours, or come in waves.

I tried to explain this to a woman at work. She is a very nice person but I could tell that she didn't really understand by the look on her face.

Does anyone get this?

16-09-06, 13:25
hi there

Yes i get this too, which makes me scared to go out alone, along with the dizziness its really scarey. its just the anxiety though, i know that and you wont collapse, so dont worry..... easier said than done i know.
hope it gets better

Mandy xxx

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