View Full Version : Hi im new

12-09-06, 21:09
I am really hoping this forum will help me. I have suffered from panic attacks/anxiety since the age of 15, i am now 33, 18 years of it on and off!!! [xx(] I was anti depressants for 3 years but have been off them for the last 4, i tend to use Bach's rescue remedies when things are getting out of control. I am also a hypochondriac!!! I am always ill and its always serious, this is something I struggle to get my head around, why when i have a headache why do I think its a tumor, yet my friends take a tablet and get on with life. I think about it all day, worry all night. I have had every test and everything always comes back ok. I have a good life i am happily married with a happy healthy son why am i like this. I have asked the Dr if i could have cogntive Behaviour therapy, he told me the waiting list is at least 6-12 months, i could pay and go private, but at £90 a session i cant afford it, please let me know that there are others out there like me,

12-09-06, 21:28
hi kirsty welcome to the forum!!!you will find lots of people here who are going through exactly the same as you.i too have health anxiety mine only started 4 years ago i really admire the way you have lived withit for so,so long!!!!we are all here to help each other and to share our experiences!!!
take care rachel x

12-09-06, 22:32
Welcome aboard, Kirsty.

Unfortunately, the NHS does not have nearly enough CBT practicioners, but definitely put your name on the waiting list.

In the meantime make the best use of this forum and in due course you will gain some reassurance I think, as well as other ideas which will all help.



And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

12-09-06, 22:42
Hi K

Welcome aboard.

Hope we can be of some help.

Get on the list for CBT. In the meantime you could do the No panic telephone recovery course if you fancied it?


12-09-06, 23:59
Hi Kirsty,

A big warm welcome to you.

Take Care


13-09-06, 08:14
hi kirsty, welcome to no more panic. im sure you will you find lots of useful information on the site, and im also sure you will make lots of friends

13-09-06, 09:28
Hi K

Welcome to the forum:D
Agree with Nic & Ray about getting your name on the list anyway.

Good Luck & Best Wishes


13-09-06, 17:22
Hello i too have a very happy life hampered by health anxiety. My doctor sent me for CBT and i shyed off because of the expense but now i have decided to pay bfor it but spread it out as i dont want to spend the rest of my life like this!!!

Welcome to NMP.

13-09-06, 18:34
Hi Kirsty,

i only joined this forum a couple of days ago and its great.

You definately aren't alone, i am 30 in a couple of days have a happy life, decent(ish) job, play rugby etc.. but still find time to worry about things!. From what i've seen you will get lots of help and support from this forum.

Smile, its infectious...



13-09-06, 20:14
Hi Kirsty,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

13-09-06, 20:23
kirsty you are not alone and there are many of us out here

lean on us if you can
