View Full Version : How is Sandy.eeyore?

03-03-13, 21:57

I just wondered if anyone had heard from sandy/eeyore because I haven't seen her for a long time on here and wondered how she is?

Thanks xx


03-03-13, 23:31
Heya Els, she is fine, Just a bit busy.......we have left her a message to reply on here when she can :)

Emmz :flowers:

04-03-13, 00:40
Hiya!!! :)
I haven't been on the site as much.
I got a fulltime job now doing customer service over the phone and the last thing I want to do when I get off work is talk on the phone or be on the computer! LOL
I have also gotten to move closer to a few of my kids and so my house has been overrun with Grandbabies! 7 of them and the 8th is coming on Tuesday this week!
I'm surrounded by "Maw Maw watch me act out this play" or "Maw Maw let me sing you a song" :)
And the one coming Tues is a girl too so that will make lucky 7 girls and my one little read headed Peanut Grandson who is the light of my life!
I'm surrounded by love and light altho sometimes I do just feel SURROUNDED!!!!!!

It warms my heart that you thought of me!

04-03-13, 01:23
Hiya!!! :)
I haven't been on the site as much.
I got a fulltime job now doing customer service over the phone and the last thing I want to do when I get off work is talk on the phone or be on the computer! LOL
I have also gotten to move closer to a few of my kids and so my house has been overrun with Grandbabies! 7 of them and the 8th is coming on Tuesday this week!
I'm surrounded by "Maw Maw watch me act out this play" or "Maw Maw let me sing you a song" :)
And the one coming Tues is a girl too so that will make lucky 7 girls and my one little read headed Peanut Grandson who is the light of my life!
I'm surrounded by love and light altho sometimes I do just feel SURROUNDED!!!!!!

It warms my heart that you thought of me!

Hey Sandy

So glad to hear from you. Lovely to hear that things are going well for you. Bet you love your job:)

It's great to hear some good news. 7 girls wowser, bet you spoil them grandbabies.

Love conquers all so they say. Stay good and safe. Visit us now and again, we understand that your busy now and wish you all the best.

Take care.
