View Full Version : Things that go bump in the night or Head,ear,Noise

07-09-06, 12:07
Pulsitile Tinnitis (whooshing)

I have had a heartbeat in my ears or head or neck for about two months now.My bp and heart rate are good and I don't suffer from dizziness or other symptoms.I have been reading online many many many sources of good information about PT..But alot of it has scared me into thinking that I might be at risk for something horrible.One evening as I sat and started researching again I ran across a website that was called ask an expert..I wasn't even sure at the time where it was and I bookmarked it along with over one hundred others.This one was different ,it had a man that was answering questions about hearing noises in your ears and other maladies.I wasn't even sure he was a doctor at the time but I wrote him none the less and told him that I understood that PT was perhaps a life threatening illness and was scared and didn't know how much time that I had before I might fall fatally ill to this problem.To my surprize he wrote me back and told me that 40 percent of the world population has tintinus and that 17 percent was pulsative..This just means ability to hear your heart.He told me that "certainly not" to being life threatening and he said that even he had it since he was very young and now he was 60 plus and found it even very comforting.He was very kind and professional and also let me know that I could find the most up to date information on his website about the causes, and effects of this illness.He has been doing research on this issue for many years,has been in major newspapers and journals and even has a book about the problem.I just thought that I would mention this to all of you that have this issue.I just read about PT in an article on his website called "things that go bump in the night".I feel that anyone experiencing this would benefit by reading his website and i think you will find comfort in his words and knowledge. I don't think that you are going to find them in a "white coat"..But by all means if you think for any reason you may have an issue with your health please visit your ent doctor or gp...I just wanted to help others that were unnerved by what they found about pt on the internet..His name is Jonathan Hazell and his website is http://www.tinnitus.org. Hope this helps you as much as it has me..I can't tell you the hours of anxiety and depression PT has caused me for nothing..

polly daydream
07-09-06, 16:06
Hi, glad your mind has finally been put at rest, I'm very pleased for you.

Take care,


08-09-06, 11:47
I pretty much posted this hoping to help others about what I was hearing and things they may be hearing.This guys seems to really know his stuff about PT and other things,but it seems that I have sunk into an obscession about hearing this and it has affected me so much its depressing me.I know that you told me not to google but my curiosity got the best of me.Unlike most people out there that have had many test and found nothing i sit and wonder about it everyday and scared to go to the doctor for fear of what he may find.I am sorry .I guess I am somewhat of a hippocrit and was temporarily relieved but believing I might be able to help someone else I posted this here for them.I want to believe that im ok..but my ocd is trying it's best to get the best of me.I am fighting it but depression keeps me down most of the time.Thanks for your encouragment and comments..take care