View Full Version : what do you take for anxiety

19-02-13, 13:38
Hi guys

Just wondering what anybody else takes for anxiety?

I'm on venlafaxine but that's for depression and I need something to bring anxiety down. I was given promazine for this but took many SE for me. I do have diazepam 2mg but don't want to take them everyday and my doc won't let me anyway.

So what do you have to ft you from an anxious state most of the time.


19-02-13, 14:02
I take propanomol for mine it really does help it hasn't stopped me from having panics but they are must easier to deal with on the tablets

19-02-13, 14:19
yes your med is an antidepressant but it is also used to treat Aniexty. if it's not working it may
be your dose needs increasing or you haven't been on it long enough. Don't get hung up on the fact it's an ssri antidepressant it's just a med that works on serotonin. serotonin is connected to Aniexty. Diazepam works on Gaba. I take progabalin which also works on Gaba. I think it was originally developed for epilepsy. But I am not an epileptic. no one drug suits all. discuss it with your doctor if you feel the meds are not doing it. you may have to be refered to a specialist. many of these meds are regulated so a gp cannot prescribe them. it's all a bit of trial an error. Doctors often ignore requests for specific drugs. Hope that helps a bit Hannah x x

---------- Post added at 14:19 ---------- Previous post was at 14:04 ----------

Thanks Kimberly that's just reminded me propananol is a beta blocker they are often used for Aniexty. They are great at treatment of the physical symptoms of Aniexty the racing heart and shakes. when you don't have the trembles or racing heart it's easier to forget that you are anxious. They are often used in conjunction with other meds. Docs are normally happy to try them side effects are quite rare x x

19-02-13, 14:41
I take 100mg sertraline one daily x

19-02-13, 14:46
20mg Escitalopram and 400mg Quetiapine.

19-02-13, 15:03
80mg propranolol for me

19-02-13, 16:54
I take 150mg sertraline once a day and 1mg respiridone twice a day. The respiridone helps with sleep and I think the sertraline is only just starting to work on my depression. I have tried many other anti-depressants including venlafaxine, citalopram and escitalopram, the best one for me was mianserin, the first one, but now they won't prescribe it due to its side-effects

19-02-13, 18:57
Citalopram 20mg seems to be working ok for me (4 weeks in). I was on Fluoxetine for a few years for depression but it didn't make a dent in the anxiety. I've also had Zopiclone to help me sleep recently and that helps with the early-hours panic attacks.

I've had Venlafaxine in the past but it didn't agree with me.

You'll find something that works for you but only with your GP's help. Good luck x

19-02-13, 19:24
Thanks for all the replies guys.

I do have a psych, she was the one who prescribed the venlafaxine, last time I saw her she prescribed the promazine. SE too many been off it 14 days now and still have couple of SE still metal taste in mouth,sensitive teeth sometimes tighten jaw.
Last time saw psych she gave me new med(promazine) and said come back in 3 months I think this is a long time when starting on new med to see how you are getting on with it. She did say tell my MH worker if I had any probe on it which I did do and he said he would e-mail her and get back to me that was a week ago. I really don't think I am being treated properly I know nhs as strapped but it's my health I really think my go would look after me better than this. It comes over to me that My worker talks like I should be grateful I am seeing a psych!!!

I am going to leave it till I see him again in another 2 weeks and then going to tell him how I've just been left, not that it will get me anywhere but I will feel better for it. I want somebody to discuss my meds with me, not just say take this come back in three months

Am I wrong thinking this way guys? Do you think I antisocial treatment? Because I don't know anymore.

Do you have better treatment from your psych?


19-02-13, 21:40
i take 40mg of citalopram and it works great for me, been on it for about 6 months now and my life is so much better.

19-02-13, 22:10
A deep breath, meditation, yoga, good company and laughter. This has much better results than the 10mg of escitalopram that I currently take :winks: