View Full Version : work related stress and anxiety

12-02-13, 20:10
hi,, heres my story,,,
approx 6 weeks ago whilst i was serving on my busy coffee bar, my area manager arrived on a normal unanounced visit,,i was very busy as we have been put under pressure to reduce our labour cost, so i was working alone, he stood and watched me serve my queue and timed my service time rather than jump on the till and help, but this in itself isnt unusual, afterall, area managers are above serving customers, lol,, anyway,, eventually he did come onto the bar and help me,, he worked the till for approx an hour with me making drinks, he hadnt done this before, so i felt chuffed, however, when my member of staff arrived at 9am, he told me to get the bar sorted so we could go out for a chat, we left the unit at approx 9.20am,, he took me for a coffee and we chatted normally about many work issues, when we returned to the unit i had to send my staff member for her break and he asked my why my previous shift takings were in the bar, so i explained that i needed to harvest the change from this as we had reduced our bank visits, he went away and used his mobile, he came back and audited the till,, something he'd never done before, then instructed me and my staff member to do a full cash up,, which we did,,and discovered a till variance of nearly £40.00 over, we then reopened the previous days banking to make sure we hadnt made an error in rebagging it but that was correct, he then told me i couldnt go anywhere while he asked advice of what to do,, eventually he asked our visiting engineer to stay and take notes while he asked me some questions, obviously i wasnt worried at this piont as me, him and my member of staff had used the till, and as i didnt know why the till was over i thought he would know or my staff would, so i waited for him to be ready and we went to sit in the pub next door while he asked and i answered all his questions,, some of which shocked me,but i answered all of them truthfully,, however, after waiting yet again, i was suspended on the spot for potentially preparing to steal the over amount from the till,, as i dont normally cash up the till as my shift fiinishes before the work shift time ends i was somewhat emotional,, ive never experienced anything like this in all my 31 years working with till or money ans i dont understand why of 3 people working a till why i was singled out, and still dont,,my suspension was concluded 5 days later with me having no case to answer but it was too late,, i had been to the doctors and told him how i felt , he gave me sleeping pills,, beta blockers and tranquilisers and signed me off sick for 2 weeks,, ive just been back to the doctors as i havent improved , hes given me more beta blockers and more tranquilisers and signed me off for another month and referred me to cognative therapy, when i rang my HR department i was met with a guarded attitude and was told that i wouldnt be paid after 27 feb and was told that they would be inforcing my contract ref the company sick pay,, i told them i was confused as i had been told by a previous HR manager that the company sick pay policy was 1 weeks sick pay for every years service, but i was then told that thios was capped to 4 weeks,, adding yet more stress, i have no idea how to move on from this becuase each time i try and address HR for help they make things worse, so all my years of working when sick, all the extra hours all the passion, dedication and hard work are for nothing, we have been relocated in the last year to a very bad location and our taking have reduced consciderably and ive been told by my area manager that he thinks my pay is too high, eventhough i havent had a pay rose for 6 years so i;m now thinking that this whole thing was constructed to remove me from my position, is this paranoia?, i dont know what to do,, any advice will be greatly recieved,, thanks

12-02-13, 20:16
I am really sorry that you have had to go through this. Are you in a Union? If you are then I suggest you speak to them or you can ring ACAS http://www.acas.org.uk/index.aspx?articleid=1461 Tell them the whole story and ask them for support and advise.

12-02-13, 20:23
Hi hostaman

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

12-02-13, 20:27
Welcome to the site. I hope you find as much help as I have. I wish you all the best.


12-02-13, 20:27
thanks,, i am in a union but they havent been much help,, apparently they can do this on suspiction also they cant do anything because the suspension was dropped, acas said the same, seems they can do what they want with no duty of care,,,i;m in limbo with more worries about money now,, not good