View Full Version : Sick of bad times

02-09-06, 22:47
Well I start college on Monday and i have been preparing myself for months. I started meds back in June and started having councelling for my anxiety and panic. Lately i have been feeling so optimistic about life until last wednesday. I got a phone call at 9am saying my Dad had been rushed in hospital, they say he has heart failure. I love him so much and im begging god not to take him away from me. I feel like someone doesn't like me being happy because everytime i am something bad happens. I feel like im going to crack up any second because i just cant cope. I dont want my dad to die i love him, i already lost my mum.
Tearfully Carol x

If you have peace of mind you have everything

polly daydream
02-09-06, 23:36
Hi Carol, sorry to hear about your Dad being so poorly, I really do hope that he is ok. Please try to stay optimistic as your Dad would want you too, remember we are all here for you if you need to talk.

Congrats on starting College, PM me if you would like to talk more.

Take care sweet,

Polly x

03-09-06, 06:42
Dear Caroll,

I lost my Dad 2 months ago and he was so ill too .. i loved him so much ... i moved to another country before a year so i wasn't there when he passed away and couldn't see him .. when i went there i've visited his grave everyday but it didn't make feel any better .. so i think i know how you feel ... and i really hope your Dad will get better ... i'll pray for him and i think you should keep praying

Lonely Heart

03-09-06, 08:51
oh carol i have had a similar time this week. my dad had a heart attack 13 years ago but is stilll here. but he was suffering chest pains last week and was afraid to tell me because he knows i would just fall to pieces as i love him so much.

i am just praying that it is something simple but i am fearing the worst. he is so optimistic he puts me to shame, he is only 56 and enjoys life so much

my dad recovered and is still here 13 years later living better than me so please try to have faith in the docs. are they telling you anything

really thinking of you


03-09-06, 13:50
i think we all w/disorders feel that way when things are going good something happens but thats not the case it happens to everyone but we are just more sensative to it...........ive lost many in my life....and at one time i questioned it but ya cant..........its part of life i hope you do well in school cause i know ya can and i hope ya dad gets well im sure he will.............tc hang in there Linda xxxxxxxxxxxx

06-09-06, 11:14
So Sorry Carol,

Life can certinaly test us at times hey hun,

Thinking Of you and I do hope your Dad makes a full recovery.

Good Luck at college.


Take Care,

Love PIP'S X X X X
