View Full Version : hi

26-01-13, 02:34
hi my name is Ella am 36 from Scotland am married and live with my husband and two cats
I think i may have OCD because over the last few years i have had symptoms of it like obsessional thoughts like am going to hurt other people also because of the obsessional thoughts i cant go out the house on my own my husband has to go everywhere with me or i will have a panic attack things have gotten so bad that am wearing disposable gloves as i type this so i dont get germs from the keyboard even though i have cleaned it already
my OCD has gotten worse over the last few days am so scared of getting something that i want to buy disposable face masks so i dont breathe in germs
my husband dont understands why am suddenly feeling like this
i need help


26-01-13, 02:57
Hi Asphyxia

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

26-01-13, 06:51
:welcome: :hugs:

26-01-13, 07:07
Hello and welcome

Daisy Sue
26-01-13, 09:07
hi Ella, welcome to the forum.

i think you need to seek some help, hun... that's no way to live your life, worrying to the extent you can't touch anything, or leave the house..

yes the world is a germy, mucky place, but normally our logical acceptance of this, and good hygiene routines, are all that are needed...

i would advise that you go and tell your gp eveything, write it down if you can't face saying it, and that will hopefully lead to you getting the right help & advice.

Kerry B
26-01-13, 09:14
Hello and :welcome: aboard. Hope you find this forum as useful has I have, its been my lifeline.

26-01-13, 12:33
Welcome Ella. :welcome: