View Full Version : Coming off med success anyone?

15-01-13, 08:48
Hi all
I know this must have been posted a million times, but do you think it is possible to successfully come off meds? Has anyone managed, especially if youve been on them for years? Ive been on ssris for about 15 years, cipralex for 5


15-01-13, 09:21
I have gone on and come off Fluoxetine many times. For me the the answer to lessening any withdrawal is always to do it veeeeeeeeryyyyyy slooooooooowwwllly.
I start off missing a dose every third day. I do that for at least 2 weeks or more.
Then I start taking them every other day & I do that for at least 2 weeks or more.
Finally after that I cut them down to one every third day and again for a couple of weeks and so on.
I havent taken cipralex so i dont know if it remains in the body for as long as fluoxetine, with that if you taper off slowly then withdrawal is kept to the minimum.
It is reasonable I feel to notice some changes of course while you withdraw but dont read any stories about it being terrible etc etc. Distract yourself by doing things you enjoy rather than sitting in anticipation of things happening.
I have just had a look online at comments from someone who's come off cipralex & their suggestion (other than tapering off very slowly) was to try and make sure that you aren't tapering down at a time of high stress and try and that you eat and sleep properly and try not to do too much exercise or over-work as that will all make the symptoms worse.
This makes alot of sense to me. The biggest mistake people make (in my humble opinion) is that they come off too fast. Hope this all helps and best of luck.

15-01-13, 09:22
Hi !

I would be really interested in this too. Have been on SSRI for 5/6 years, Cipralex. Have tried to come off a few times, very slowly but have always become depressed shortly after, not straight away say within a month. I have said to the doctor before I could not possibly come off any slower eg done it over a few months not a week.

Bab have you tried before to come off them ? What was you on before Cipralex ?

15-01-13, 09:58
taking months to taper off would be the way to go (not weeks).

also to have things in place to counter any depression as well.... hobbies lined up for example.

making sure its the "right time" to come off (so you're feeling strong & ready).

if i come off, I always try to target the right time for me personally (& not do it because i think other people would tell me the time is right).

15-01-13, 10:19
I've been on SSRI's for 9 years and I don't have any problems withdrawing - I do it very, very slowly over months and months. But 7-10 weeks after completely stopping the panic and depression return and I start worrying about stuff a whole lot more.

I do wonder if your brain gets used to a higher level of serotonin after years on the meds and although not addicted we become used to this level and cannot adjust to the change.
I've also noted that the side effects from starting up a SSRI don't get any easier for me and therefore I've come to the decision if they're working for me I'm sticking with them.

However, I do believe you can come off them successfully, like Tessar said - you've just got to time it right and have things incase you do experience some, hopefully temporary, drop in mood and ride it out. I think your mindset when you decide to quit needs to be certain and strong that you can do it, any wavering about if you can will make you almost certain to restart medication.

15-01-13, 11:27
I never had any physical symptoms withdrawing at all but do find that after a month I start to get that low feeling again and it spins from there.

Samhar like you the second time starting a medication I had side effects which I never had at all the first time. It also took longer to get into my system this time :( whereas the first time it was very quick. I now feel like even when i feel 100% I will be reluctant to stop the medication as if I get depressed again I will have to go through the awful side effects of start off, not physical ones, but the increased anxiety, tearfullness, scared not knowing if its going to work.

Does anybody think there is anything wrong with staying on medication long term ? Especially if you get recurrent anxiety/depression.

15-01-13, 14:06
Since I've been on meds since 2003 I've never had a good period when I've been off them. I'm off meds now - you'd think things would look bad? Well, I have started putting other things in place - self CBT techniques, magnesium and b-vitamin supplements, and I'm trying to eat more cold water fish. So maybe this time...I dunno...

I've read on another website that suggests that the best way to come off meds (if you've been on them for years) is to taper at 10% every 3-6 weeks. It may take a year to come off them but people swear that this method minimises withdrawals. While doctors and psychiatrists would probably say that bad anxiety and depression a month following cessation of the antidepressant is simply "the anxiety coming back", there is also a strong possibility that its withdrawal symptoms.

I've always felt worse off SSRIs than I felt before I started taking them in the first place - while I don't doubt that there is some background anxiety and depression, I also think these feelings were partly down to protracted withdrawal.

18-01-13, 19:21
Are you thinking of coming off them then Bab or just wondering ? Have you ever tried before ? I dont think I will be trying again.

03-02-13, 20:24
So sorry, have only just found your replies. Thanks so much for your advice. Basically. I have been on SSris's for 15 years. About 8 on Seroxat which was great but withdrawals horrific. I was on Citalopram for a few years, and now ciprales for 5. The only reason I want to come off is weight gain. I also feel im not 100% "with it" on the meds. I started on meds because I got panic attacks. I could control it and the doc said i didnt need meds. I begged for them and since being on them thats when prob started. I have come off meds before but each time even though ive done it slowly, after about 6 weeks i cant cope and anxiety is worse than ever so I end up going back on them.

03-02-13, 21:28
Dear Bab I have been on medication a long time lithium for fifteen years and mirtazapine for about five years. I did reach a point last year when I wanted to reduce my meds. At the moment I'm not so sure. I have successfully withdrawn from mirtazapine because of the weight gain. Like the others have said it needs to be done very very slowly and with the support of your GP or Pdoc on board. Withdrawals can mimic the original illness and it is likely that you will feel worse for a while or nothing at all. My panic attacks and anxiety came back and it was difficult to cope. I went back on mirtzapine the first time because I did not understand what was happening. The second time I used diazepam for the panic and anxiety. I chose to go back on it after relapsing. If you are determined to cut down and eventually come off the sssri then you will succeed. Best wishes. EJ.