View Full Version : Alcohol over christmas

22-12-12, 02:30
Hi guys

Hope your all ready for xmas

I know i posted recently about something simular, but i am being invited out left right and centre over xmas and in a way i feel a good old drink and knees up will help release some anxiety...because before when i was out every weekend on the town with out fail i never felt this bad AT ALL....but since i moved house and not been able to afford going out my anxiety as hit a all time high with constant panic attacks etc....last couple of weeks ive been having shooting pains in my chest, along with constipation and sleeping badly at wrong times, plus a bit of DR/DP, and i am obssesed with my bodily functions my heart pounds and im tuned into it and it panics me, my ears ringing or swooshing and i tune in to it. I'm worried if i go out for a drink over xmas im gonna freak out and have a massive anxiety/panic attack or im going to have a heart attack or something...ive never ever ever done this before id usually jump at the chance to go and have a few beers with my mates...im only 21 for god sake and i feel like my social time and confidence as been snatched away from me completely....is their any alcohol that you guys have found dont cause as much anxiety or any tips whilst being on the beer and the next day.....as for my heart just quickly i had a paramedic ECG about 3 months ago so surely if there was something wrong with my heart they would have picked atleast a trace of it then?

22-12-12, 06:12
Alcohol speeds up your heart rate and dehydrates you causing anxiety.
I get heart palpitations so only one drink or one coffee for me :(
Although every one is different.

If you do drink, eat before hand, drink water inbetweeners drinks or sprite, orange juice to keep you hydrated but also to keep your blood sugar up.
Alcohol lowers your blood sugar, it's why you get so hungry after a few drinks.

A few things can happen:
You fear drinking will induce anxiety which then the fear it's self makes you anxious.
Or you drink too much which makes your heart race and you get anxious over that.

You can go out and not drink ;)
It's not easy I know as people aren't always supportive.
Sometimes I fake drinking by getting a virgin coke n pretending there's whiskey in it :p

Or you could have one drink and take your time.
Be very firm with people, tell them your drinking slow and not to buy you drinks.
If they get pushy don't feel that you have to over drink.
It's your body and it's you that will suffer not them.

Don't worry if your heart races the morning after!
It happens everyone even people without anxiety.
Drink extra water.
Keep in mind it takes one whole hour for your body to get rid of one drink.
So if you do drink, also add in lots of water or orange juice.

As for drinks,
Vodka is evil. I had a bad time with that.
Beer makes me dizzy, not sure why :)
Whiskey is good but I drink slow and 3 is my cut of point otherwise I get heart palpitations and it can mess with my digestive system too.
Light wines, like west cost cooler. It's just a light fizzy wine. Never had a problem with that.
Baileys it's like cream and whiskey, I've drank lots of that as its so yummy and never had an issue.

But everyone's different, don't over do the caffeine or red bull!

22-12-12, 13:06
Id say have a drink and drink it slowly and drink water or soft drink in between. I usually drink red wine as this is slower to drink as I find it thicker and cant gulp it like spirits or white wine. Good luck. I always take milk thistle tablets before I go out drinking and a few before bed. I was dubious at first but bought some from Holland and Barrett and I never feel as bad after a night out when I have taken them. I think they are supposed to help the liver process and clear it of alcohol quicker.

22-12-12, 22:46
You know what, life's too short, go and enjoy yourself, have a drink (in moderation), and suffer the consequences the day after. Sometimes it is worth it xxx.