View Full Version : Occupational Health and Work - A Positive Story

14-12-12, 16:14
I thought I'd share my story on my meeting with the AXA PPA Healthcare Occupational Heath medical assessment after reading so many negative or worrying stories on here.

I have been off work for 7 months now with depression and anxiety and my work have been really uncommunicative and unsupportive so I was dreading my appointment.

I had to cancel the first one as it clashed with CBT and HR were very rude about it but it was re-arranged and helpfully at a more local clinic.

So I arrived at this GP's Surgery and explained I was here for a medical and they offered me a coffee or tea! They were so friendly it really calmed me.

Onto the GP. He was an absolutely lovely man. Very understanding when I lost words (I get confused of late) and understood the symptoms and worries. He was local so knew the crisis team and the rest of the medical teams (including my own GP) He offered his own advice on certain medication and other things I could do. It was practically a GP appointment. He went in depth to explain he would say why I wasn't fit for work and offered really great advice to me and praised my CBT therapist for being fantastic.

He then went on to explain I would fail the ESA medical and gave me the details of the Citizens Advice and the lady who deals with all the cases for my area. He offered advice on the appeal and explained in depth how a clinician advising the government has said the ATOS system doesn't work for mental health. He gave me the surgery number if I had any questions.

I was dreading it but came away with an overwhelming positive feeling. It was the best I'd ever felt. Someone understood and wasn't dismissive.

I wish I could name the guy but I best not but safe to say if anyone has any worries about Independent Medical Assesments, they are for your benefit and I hope you get a Doctor as supportive as this one.

14-12-12, 18:08
I have my second Occupational health appointment on 2nd Jan. I have been off work sincw June originally with metatarsal fractures but the injury has triggered my anxiety. Occupational Health have been fine and supportive it is work that isn't. I have another sickness review meeting next week but my doctor said I am not well enough to go so my union rep will go on my behalf.

14-12-12, 23:16
I've have a phone appt. booked with my Occ. Health Provider for 21st (they don't do face-to-face).

Our provider is Atos, but to be fair, they've been pretty supportive so far, but it depends on the medical professional (usually nurses) that you have the appt. with.

Glad you had a positive experience with your provider.

little scientist
15-12-12, 11:53
I see occupational health next week. I had a small issue with them recently when they asked to see me regarding my health questionnaire that I had to fill in when I changed me job recently. I was angry with them because I have worked for the company for nearly 2 years and they had never bothered with me before, when I had always declared my anxiety and depression on any job application with me. I was angry because they had never bothered with me before, so why now? Anyway, I eventually got them to assess me of the phone instead of me wasting my time by going up to their department 12 miles away and they said I was fit to work and would sign me off as so and leave me alone.

I then had an incident at work which resulted in my making a complaint against a colleague for how they had treated me. I sought advice from every official channel possible, two of which advised me to go back to occupational health to get the event on record I case it caused me further stress in the future. So my opinion of them has changed a bit and I think it's for the better! I have yet to see them but I will be glad to get the incident on record