View Full Version : so worriedand scared

30-11-12, 11:51
hi sufferd with aniety for 5yrs now and i dont take meds but the last few days ive been getting intrusive thoughts and its worring me becausethe same thought keeps coming back and im scared to tell my gp ortherapist incase they think im suicidal and they will put me away as i keep getting a thoughti feel suicidal even tho i dont know what you are suposed to feel whensomeone is feeling like that and i dont really want to know , i dont want to kill myself im petrified of dying but its scareing the life out of me , i keep telling myself that they are just thoughts but it doent help much and i dont know what to do .do i tell my gp or is because of my anxiety and it will pass or is there something really mentaly wrong wih me . please can some one why im thinking like this advice me thk you

---------- Post added at 12:51 ---------- Previous post was at 11:42 ----------

can someone please tell me if this is just intrusive thoughts

30-11-12, 12:39
Please don't be afraid to go to the docs. Nobody likes the idea of meds but sometimes we need a little help and I think you would benefit from taking something, if only in the short term to help stabilise your moods/anxiety. These thoughts you are getting are part and parcel of the anxiety and associated depression, if you look on this site so many of us have these problems. I suggest you make an appointment with your doc :hugs:

01-12-12, 00:19
honey trust me you are just worrying about images/thoughts that are in your head. Do you want to act on them? I would think that you dont and even if you do its still probably fine.

I have had massive panic disorders and anxiety for over 12 years and trust me the one thing I have learned is that sometimes it can be a form of 'mind turrets' where the most horrid, disgusting, or excuse my french ****ed up images can appear into your head. This is just simply your mind trying to scare you with whatever it can to produce the effect it is now clearly having.

DO NOT worry about it, intrusive thoughts can be really messed up but we all have them. If you want to pm me please do I will tell you some scary shit about thoughts I have had lol. but I know from experience it is just my mind manifesting the most horid things to scare me, just remember that and block it in return. It is just a thought.

I'll give you an example I may have a messed up thought of (insert here) then I feak out as anyone would, but then as I remember it is completely normal for that thought, all humans have them. It sticks there as we worry and it wont go away the more we do, again that is perfectly normal. it will go but only as you realise it is just a thought, and bit by bit it will go. you don't want to do this thing or approve of it. you are not crazy because if you were you would not be on here worrying about it, crazy people think their thoughts are sane not crazy, thats the point and you would be out or in happily doing it with pleasure.

It is a thought, it will go, and the more you realise and manage this the more the next time a messed up image or thought pops in you you can say, wait it's this again, no thanks. :D

Don't be scared and if you want to pm me please do!! x :)

01-12-12, 04:10
Hi tricia, andy and all,
Its true andy that our mind starts wondering when it doesnt get result driving us mad with simple phisical symptoms as trembling, breathless, dizziness and etc, and then it starts giving us terrifying thoughts of all sorts that are supposed definately to push us off the cliff.
If we remember that then you will be able just to observe these thougts and not to react on them.

01-12-12, 15:21
hi sufferd with aniety for 5yrs now and i dont take meds but the last few days ive been getting intrusive thoughts and its worring me becausethe same thought keeps coming back and im scared to tell my gp ortherapist incase they think im suicidal and they will put me away as i keep getting a thoughti feel suicidal even tho i dont know what you are suposed to feel whensomeone is feeling like that and i dont really want to know , i dont want to kill myself im petrified of dying but its scareing the life out of me , i keep telling myself that they are just thoughts but it doent help much and i dont know what to do .do i tell my gp or is because of my anxiety and it will pass or is there something really mentaly wrong wih me . please can some one why im thinking like this advice me thk you

---------- Post added at 12:51 ---------- Previous post was at 11:42 ----------

can someone please tell me if this is just intrusive thoughts

Hi hon.

I suffer from intrusive thoughts, which is the crux of my anxiety. If it is becoming so profound that you cannot lead your life and it is all you can think of, please please seek help from your doctor. I can tell you now - they will not commit you anywhere. I attempted suicide, cut and burnt my wrists and threatened all sorts, and they still wouldn't admit me! You've said yourself you don't actually want to die, and they will view that as a positive thing.

However, the doctor can put you forward for a couple of things. Some people are very against medication, which is fine. The doctor will probably suggest a course of medication, which I do believe would help and I would accept it if you can. If you absolutely cannot face medication, there are other ways round dealing with acute anxiety such as therapy - CBT (cognitive behaviour therapy) is a very good course of action for intrusive thoughts as it teaches you to try and train your brain to think in a different way.

Sorry for the long message, but what I'm trying to get across is they will NOT section you. What you are suffering from is a very real, very upsetting condition and you deserve help. The best place to go for that help is to your doctor. Also, you are definitely not alone. If it helps to post here, do so :)