View Full Version : IM NEW!!!

18-08-06, 17:53
Hello everyone im new.

I hope anyone can help me, my main symptom is not being able to speak for fear of being sick, this is a real problem and got me the sack from my sales job, i now have a new job after 4 months and am scared of panicing ina meeting.



18-08-06, 18:57
welcome to the forum. you will fnd lots of lovely people ready to help you if they can.
have you always had this phobia?
do you see a councillor

we are all stronger people after having this

18-08-06, 19:00

Welcome to the forum.

x x

18-08-06, 19:38
Hi Katie,

A big warm welcome to you.

Take Care



18-08-06, 19:51

Thanks for the welcome, i have had P.A for 10 years, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

Does anyone else carry round 'safe' items with them, to distract and keep yourself safe? i carry gum, water and now my ipod.

Keep Happy!


18-08-06, 19:58

Thanks for the welcome, i have had P.A for 10 years, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

Does anyone else carry round 'safe' items with them, to distract and keep yourself safe? i carry gum, water and now my ipod.

Keep Happy!


polly daydream
19-08-06, 00:50
Hi Katie and welcome to the forum.

Best wishes,


19-08-06, 08:14
Hi Katie,

Welcome to the forum :D


"Everybody's changing and I don't feel the same"

19-08-06, 09:22
Welcome to the forum Katie
I always have water with me and elastic beads round my wrist that I can fiddle with when I'm starting to feel anxious.
love Helen

19-08-06, 10:01
Hi Katie

Welcome to the forum

Take care

Elaine x

19-08-06, 10:20
Hi Katie and Welcome to the Forum.

I usually have a bottle of water too, and have worry beads in one pocket and rescue remedy in the other! Either that or I'mfiddling with a pen to keep my hands busy..

Glad you found us, you'll get lots of support and advice here.


Is there light at the end of the tunnel or is that an oncoming train?

19-08-06, 10:48
Hi Katie, welcome to the forum

I always carry a bottle of water, a pebble (that is now smooth where I have constantly rolled it in my hand) an elastic band on my wrist so I can 'snap' it if I start feeling 'edgy', and my mobile. If it makes me feel safe then it's in my bag (",)

Take care

Clare :)

19-08-06, 11:30
Hi Katie,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

19-08-06, 20:12
hi kate
i carry a bottle of water my phone with a keyring on it that i can make move and a band on wrist to snap


20-08-06, 02:33
Welcome Katespine,
I am new here myself. I also carry items with me that make me feel better. I carry a bottle of water, my CD player, my cell phone, gum, my klonopin, and something easy to read so that I can keep myself distracted while on the bus. The bus is my biggest fear lately and it has become almost impossible for me to ride, which is scary because I don't drive and I must take my daughter to school on the bus.
I work on my breathing exercises and I repeat inside my head, "This too shall pass." Sometimes I slowly count or say the ABCs in my head until I calm down. I have found that it is important to work on the breathing exercises when I am not panicking so I can easily do them when I do panic. You will find a lot of support here. I have been visiting for months but only started to post recently. It is nice to feel that I can be myself here. I wish you well with your new job. Are you seeing a doctor?


20-08-06, 21:02
Hi katie,

I joined last week. welcome to the forum. I have safe items too, cd player, phone and wallet. One of my new technics is trying to recite the alphabet backwards in my head. it takes an awful lot of concentration.

I find speaking at times a very very anixtious experience. I some times find over planning for meetings helpful, and also to practice with a friend and get them to play devil advocate. But sometimes this just makes me more made and panicked.

all the best in your new job


21-08-06, 14:25
Hi Katie

I am also new to NMP. I haven't got round to working out what are comfort things! (Apart from ym husband that is).

I am sure you will find comfort and support on this site.

Take Care
