View Full Version : weird and scaring me

20-11-12, 19:48
Does anyone else have a strange feeling like your tongue and roof of mouth/back of throat are sort of twitching or fluttering? That's the best way I can describe it. It's really annoying and I get scared, which makes the anxiety/panic worse and then it feels worse. I have to say that it does seem worse when I think about it. Please, someone put my mind at rest. Just to know someone else has it would help. Thanks

20-11-12, 21:57
hiya dee, its all anxiety, the more you think about it the more it happens, its caused from tension tightening the muscles, i used to think my tongue was swelling up, and it acually felt like it was swelling but on checking realised it wasnt and was normal size....... suprising what the mind can do to us:wacko: