View Full Version : Scared!!!!

13-11-12, 21:21
Started to feel bit weird about 20 minutes ago, but now feel like I cannot breathe like some one kneeling on my chest:ohmy:
felt a bit off last few days going hot and cold and pain in my side
Any advice helpful

13-11-12, 21:39
In a situation like this NHS Direct can be helpful with trained staff on the end of the phone they can help you decide what to do if you need help.
I hope it,s not serious and that you feel better soon

13-11-12, 22:10
Hi, just wondering have you had these symptoms before and do you suffer with or, how bad are your panic attacks. I hope it's not serious but sometimes...... You know what Im saying, It could be all part of anxiety. How are you feeling at the moment?:flowers:

13-11-12, 23:14
Thank you for replying to me.....yes have had this feeling before but not has bad as tonight....thankfully it has eased now and can breathe much better, just wondering if I could have the start of a bad chest or pleurisy have had it a few times before.....will give the doctors a ring in the morning, but if it comes again as bad as earlier I will ring NHs direct for advice.....feeling really spacey still and the weird DP feeling keeps coming and going....my sleep is not good and last night only got about 4 hours so I think this could be making the weird DP feeling worse

14-11-12, 02:02
AHHHHHH that stinkin Anxiety. It can be so scarey, and it can also create all those things. (symptoms) I get wicked chest pains, ones that feel like someone is squeezing a muscle, really bad, instantly I can not breathe, I don't want to move. If you have gotten this before I would say anxiety. I have gotten it, and I am really trying hard to tell myself when it happens, that it has happened before, and I would have been dead by now, if it really was heart related, even with some testing I can not get past worrying about it. Every time it happens I'm like "Yup they missed something" I understand how you feel. I would go to the Doctor, and just get checked, you will feel so much better. (that's the only thing :) that helps me for a little bit.

17-11-12, 22:12
Just a typical symptom of anxiety. What I would try practicing is abdominal breathing techniques. At times it helps me out in not turning my panic/anxiety to the next level. For some people it takes time to "master" it, but I strongly recommend seeing the Coping section for more details on how to do abdominal (stomach) breathing.

17-11-12, 22:53
Hi mandshere2000, hope all is well & your feeling better than the other day:winks: