View Full Version : introducing myself

13-11-12, 20:29
Hi all, just came across this site and glad I did. Being in contact with like minded people is always reassuring.

I started suffering with panic and anxiety just before my daughter was born and had no idea what was happening to me. I suffered from intrusive thoughts, panic atacks, not being able to eat and sleep amongst numerous other symptoms. On days I didn't want to get out of bed and had never been so scared... I didn't want to leave my wife's side and stared to worry about leaving the house. I was offered medication by the doctors as they said i was stressed out due to numerous major life changeing events but i refused to take it as was scared it would make me more anxious! In the end I started counselling which was great and helped me put things into perspective which I was unable to do whilst battling the circle of negative thoughts. I became obsessed with reading up on how to help myself and over the months/years I got back to feeling like m old self again :)

I would experience brief episodes of anxiety every once in a while but always managed to control it. You could say I was doing great until last week when I broke my arm and found out I needed surgery... not a major issue unless like me you had never been in hospital before and are afraid of needles. I would of been fine but totally stressed myself out worrying about being put to sleep and never waking up. Anyway the surgery went well on Friday but on Sunday night I had one thought that led me into a downward spiral with panick and anxiety attacks and the constant feeling of not being real. This petrified me as not been like that in over 6 years! I am now taking each day as it comes and feel like crying but can't as feel numb. I have not fallen as deep into the spiral as last time (maybe because I know what it is?) But what I wanted to say is stay strong as there is always light at the end of the tunnel as I have been there and seen it and I believe that if you keep working at something you will get there. I will keep going and have started meditating again which has been a great aid over the years.
All the best to all on here :)

13-11-12, 20:34
I had dreadful anxiety 8 years ago but had started to overcome it and manage it really well until June this year when I fractured my foot which set my anxiety off again so my story is quite similar to yours. I just keep telling myself I have overcome it before so can do it again. I hope your arm heals quicker than my foot! :)

13-11-12, 20:34
Hello & :welcome:

Glad you have found the site, you are not alone & will get lots of help & support here.

Kitti :)

13-11-12, 20:39
Hi 1663

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

13-11-12, 20:54
Thanks for your replies. Annie I think I made the mistake of thinking I was over it. What I have learnt over the years is different people suffer with different things and mine seems to be anxiety and stress. Battling on and positive I will also overcome this :)