View Full Version : Hello new to No More Panic

07-11-12, 09:18
Hello there, Im new to this site and was wondering if anyone else gets the simptoms that i get.

Ive been suffering from anxiety on and off for 15 years or so it started when i started collage. I seem to be alittle better in the summer months but for some reason i still cant put my finger on it nearly always get worse around November time?.

I can be okay for months then all of a sudden i will get palpitations where my heart feels like it skips a beat, i will have this for about 10 mins with clammy hamds and gagging to be sick then it goes off but my mind fixates on it and i cant stop worrying about it.

it then get worse as the days go on i know wake up in the morning feeling groggy and as soon as im up and about it starts and now im also getting a tight face on one side.

I hate it it ruins my life because everytime i go to do somthing now it will happen!!

i just feel tired all the time and find it very hard to consentrate at work. when the palpitations stop and im clear for a week or so i feel okay! then start to worry less, im fed up of spending every christmas/winter feeling ill and noone understands why i cant go certain places, all i get is the comment its in your head.

cheers guys

07-11-12, 09:51
Hi :welcome: Sorry you are having a bad time at the moment and I am sure you will find lots of support here. People who say thing like 'it's in your head' have obviously never suffered anxiety, I guess they are right in a way but do not know the extent of it...I hate it when people say things like that to me, I often get 'you need to sort yourself out'. If only it was that easy. Are you taking any medication or having counseling?

07-11-12, 10:21
:welcome: lots of lovely people here with help and advice, and yes I get some of the symptoms you have and they are not very pleasant xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

07-11-12, 15:36
:welcome: Worrywart you will receive a lot of support on here

07-11-12, 15:38
Welcome to NMP :) Your comments about feeling ok in the Summer but unhappy in the Winter sounds reminiscent of Seasonal Affective Disorder to me (though I'm no Dr). In any case, you'll find people you can relate to and seek support from here :)

07-11-12, 19:19
I'm always better in summer months, worrywart; I agree it sounds like Seasonal Affective Disorder too. This affects me & I have gone back on my prozac just like I do this time every year. The things you are coping with are really unpleasant so I think you'll definitely feel tired. That's also gonna affect concentration. I really sympathise.It all a vicious circle. Well I suppose people mean well when saying "ts in your head", and I suppose many of the triggers might be but that doesnt mean the feelings arent real - either fear or physical things. They are certainly real regardless of what causes them. Its best to ignore people who are not particularly positive about it - maybe their too scared to admit they might feel like it sometimes. who knows. One way or the other - hopefully with some support on here you can find some helpful things to try. I havent been on the site that long but am already touched by people's kindness.

fozzy is crying
07-11-12, 19:50

08-11-12, 14:21
Hi guys, thank you for your comments, it's nice to know there are people out there with simlar problems,

I'm not on medication I've never have been, I always seem to wait until they go away. If I didn't get the palpitations I would be fine they are what worry me and stress be out more. A few months ago I was fine, Ive been doing some DIY projects on my house no problems at all but now when I go to try and do anything physical I get the palpitations which then make me worry and then can't do anything until they go and sometimes that's only when I sleep, I wake up in the morning feeling ok a little groggy then with in 20 mins they can start again and my stomach tightens, so annoying. I've had this on and off for years but every time I still worry I'm gonna have a heart attack. I would go to the doctors more often but I can even think of it with out getting anxious let alone waiting in a waiting room!

08-11-12, 14:23
I don't wait in the waiting room...I call the doctors before I go to see that the doctor is running on time, then they let me in the back door and I wait in a room on my own until the doctor is ready to see me. :D

08-11-12, 14:32
Wow I wish mine would do that, they are useless could be waiting a month for a appointment, then all they do is refer you to the hospital which takes about 8 months!! The last time I went to the docs was about 8 years ago and they was gonna prescribe me beta blockers but she said I couldn't because I have mild asthma, so I said I will just try exercise etc. Does anyone know of any other meds that would work that are not problematic for asthma sufferers?

08-11-12, 14:51
I have mild asthma but I have had beta blockers in the past. I take dosulipin now which is a tricylic antidepressant and chlordiazipoxide for anxiety. My doctors are brilliant, I cannot fault them in any way. Some days I have phoned and just cried as I have felt so bad and they just say they will send out the doctor to see me.

08-11-12, 15:07
Annie your doctors sound great! Do you get the palpitations then? And does thenmedication work?

08-11-12, 15:17
Yes I get the palpitations and I was anxiety free for a year but due to a recent trauma it has come back again. Upping the dose of my meds seems to be helping.

08-11-12, 15:28
I always get worse when there's a death in the family or house move etc, I'm sure I make myself worse I keep checking my pulse drives me nuts, feels like it skips a beat. Are you able to work or does your anxiety stop that? I work a few days per week but its real struggle. I think I will try and build up the courage to get to the docs this year or try to get one to come to me, I'm sure having anxiety for so long has made me a little agoraphobic?

Hope you get over your trauma soon, it's never much fun.

08-11-12, 15:36
I have had to be off work quite a lot due to my anxiety.