View Full Version : Walked The Dogs This Morning

20-10-12, 16:40
This morning I was feeling positive (Still am) and decided I would walk my two dogs. I did two trips because I could only handle one dog at a time. I did it without feeling anxious or constantly looking over my shoulder and waiting for something bad to happen. I just walked them through the whole estate, down the village and into the park. It was brilliant because I rarely go past the the estate with them due to both anxiety and paranoia. This morning was different though and I met other people in the park and even stopped to chat to them while the dogs played. I wasn't even nervous or anxious chatting to other people and I was very surprised at how friendly they were. I felt great afterwards and so happy that I did this today. I'm going to walk the dogs again before dinner this evening seeing as I'm in such high spirits. A victory today.

20-10-12, 16:59
Edward, that is fantastic news!.. what a difference a day makes. Well done you :)

We have two doggies.. A black Labrador Lady and a huge German Shepherd called Major :D

what have you got?.. and don't say Chihuahua's! lol xx

20-10-12, 17:02
Edward, that is fantastic news!.. what a difference a day makes. Well done you :)

We have two doggies.. A black Labrador Lady and a huge German Shepherd called Major :D

what have you got?.. and don't say Chihuahua's! lol xx

Thanks Miss D :)

I have a black Labrador Called Guinness and a brown one called Murphy.

They nearly dragged me out into oncoming traffic. I'm sure they are trying to get rid of me:scared15:

20-10-12, 17:14
Ah.. lovely doggies :)

If your having problems with them pulling on walks, invest in 2 nose harnesses called "gentle leaders". They won't pull with them. My nickname is the dog wisperer! lol xx

20-10-12, 17:19
I'll look into that Miss D. I'd love to walk them without them pulling. About to take them again now, but only around the estate because the park is closed. Feeling a little anxious but I don't know why. It's safe and I will have Bachs with me. Hopefully I'll find someone to talk too this time as well lol.

20-10-12, 17:30
definately worth investing in... they make a huge difference. Good luck on the tea time walk xx

20-10-12, 17:37
Well done Edward :) I managed to go into town and buy some shoes today and some chocolates :)

20-10-12, 18:00
I'm back :D

I stopped to chat to one man who was sitting outside his door on a bench. We just exchanged a few words because Guinness was pulling me. It wasn't a walk in the park this evening, but I managed a further two outings with one dog at a time.

Annie. So glad your day went so well :)

20-10-12, 18:02
Pleased to hear you have had a good day today Edward...you have done really well :yahoo:

20-10-12, 18:05
Perhaps your new medications are finally starting to help you, the Mirtazapine and Pregabalin, onwards and upwards from here on in!

Well done, Speaking from experience there is no better feeling than watching a contented dog out on a walk or run. I love seeing my Spaniels tail spinning around with happiness.

Great that you got chatting aswell, that must have boosted your confidence, keep it up.

20-10-12, 18:11
Edward I hardly recognise you :) you are becoming a different man, well done, doesn't it feel good to be posting all this positive stuff, you know every post like this unknown to you will be the post that brings a little bit more hope to some poor soul suffering the way you were, very pleased with how well you are doing xx

20-10-12, 18:14
Thanks Bobby. I really feel good after it. I think if I do this twice a day every day it will boost me further. I haven't been out of the house that much lately, only the odd time with my partner, so I felt delighted today when I managed four trips on my own. I think it's the pregabilan relaxing me like you said :D Feel in high spirits this evening and I will hold on to that feeling :)

---------- Post added at 18:14 ---------- Previous post was at 18:13 ----------

Edward I hardly recognise you :) you are becoming a different man, well done, doesn't it feel good to be posting all this positive stuff, you know every post like this unknown to you will be the post that brings a little bit more hope to some poor soul suffering the way you were, very pleased with how well you are doing xx

Awe Laura, that's so nice of you to say. A big hug to you:bighug1:

20-10-12, 18:22
Hi all

It seems like our dogs help us a lot with anxiety issues. Mine certainly do. I get a bit claustophobic in the evenings (especially as the nights draw in) so I purposely walk them around the estate where I live (I feel perfectly safe doing this as its well lit with lots of houses around). Y
Thank goodness for our canine friends!

20-10-12, 18:28
Hi Louise,

I'm glad that walking the dogs also makes you feel good. Keep up the good work. You're braver than me. I made sure to walk them before it got dark lol. My estate is well lit up too, but with the crime rate in Dublin so high I would be very anxious and paranoid at night.

20-10-12, 18:35
Well done Edward, that's great!! :D :yahoo:

20-10-12, 18:41
Thank you Elle. Feeling very happy this evening :yahoo:

20-10-12, 18:42
Well done again Edward.. Mark will be chuffed to bits :D x

20-10-12, 18:43
My dogs hug me when I am anxious, they actually really do! X

20-10-12, 18:48
Thanks Miss D. He's delighted I did it :D xx

Laura, my dogs sense when I am anxious and they never settle down because the vibes I give them Xx

27-10-12, 06:13
Isn't it amazing when you can do things, even enjoy it without feeling anxious!
I always describe it as "I forgot to feel anxious and worry"
Well done :)