View Full Version : Headache behind the eyes

08-08-06, 23:27
For the past 2 days I have been experiencing an ache behind my eyes, also it feels like they are sore deep inside the sockets. Am very worried, does anyone else get this?

Anxiety Is Evil

08-08-06, 23:32
yeah i get that on and off...but it lasts for about 3 days...i usually calm it all down with painkillers and cold water eyebath soothes.

16-08-06, 04:03
Hello Farr,

Funny, but I just posted about this in the symptoms section
I spoke more of visual problems but also stated that I have had feelings of muscular tiredness in the eyes
My forehead is tight and I have a dull headache as well
I think some of it can be racked up to sinus stuff and the rest may be a combo of anxiety and tension
If you wear lenses or glasses perhaps you need a stronger prescription
Do you have any flashes or spots in vision as do I?
Please do not worry as that will only exacerbate the problem
Best wishes from across the pond



" I have developed a new philosophy.....I only dread one day at a time." Charlie Brown

16-08-06, 09:38

i've been getting this over the last two weeks on and off only in my left eye - its like a deep ache in my socket. I had it a few years ago under a great time off stress and it did eventually wear off so i'm hoping it does again soon.

Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects

16-08-06, 10:01
Hi Farrah,

Why don't you go for an eye test to put your mind at rest. If there were anything seriously wrong, an optician would spot it. HOWEVER, I suspect its more than likely anxiety-related. Also, I've heard eye pain/headaches can be caused by lack of fluids, so make sure you're drinking plenty!
Take Care
