View Full Version : feeling down please help anyone

06-08-06, 14:29
Ive been feeling pretty down again but the reasons for this is my constant lightheadedness and just feeling all wierd when im out. Everywhere i go i think what if i fainted here where would i end up and who would find me, what if i never wake up. it seems to be WHAT IF all the time. My dads going to see my family in scotland at the weekend and i really wanna go, what if i feel ill all the weekend and frightened that something will happen. Anyone give me any suggestions about how to help myself or does anyone fink im seriously ill

spaced out
unreality feeling
Feeling or fear of fainting
scared of death
And im now thinking that my mum is ill even tho she aint and its horrible

Help me from this horrible hole x

06-08-06, 16:16
Hi Katy, sorry you are feeling so down right now. I honestly don't think there is anything seriously wrong with you mate. Also, am sure Mum is fine too!It is anxiety giving you these awful symptoms, you mentioned that you wanted to go away, well, that would start up the anxiety, then you are scared that something awful will happen. It won't. You have done so well recently, and this will be just fine. go for it, do not let anxiety ruin everything for you. explain to people how you are feeling, they will sympathise. You have never fainted yet, so why should you this time. check through some of the old posts here on fainting/dizzyness etc, print them off and read for reaassurance. take care and keep in touch. you will be fine Katy. xxx

06-08-06, 18:07
Hi Katy
I know how you feel and I know the heat makes my anxiety worse - we went out walking this morning and I felt faint and kept breathing weird and feeiling dizzy and scared - but if I fainted then would it be so bad (apart from needing half a dozen firefighters to lift me up coz Im a big lady!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Hang on in there and pm me if you want to talk.lvoe wenjoy xx

06-08-06, 20:04
I really do know how you feel katy, last year I used to worry that I woul d drop the kids off at nursery and maybe faint on the way home or take a panic attack and no-one would help me!! I'm ok now, still not comfortable going out on my own but I can do it. I just try to take things in little steps, I used to concentrate firstly on getting out of the close, then getting to the top of the road, then getting over the road and up the path ect. I still do that now and it helps!!

The feeling of unreality is definatly one of my main and constant symptoms, again and peeps will be getting sick of hearing it, distraction is the key with that. The worst bit about DP/DR is that when it comes on ,you panic, wonder why it's happening, whats wrong with me?! ect ect ect. Don't let it get the better of you, when it happens get up and do something ie dishes, washing, hovering, have a conversation with someone, read a book, put on a film. Just do what ever it is that you can to take your mind off how your feeling and before you know it, you have forgotten about it, or at least thats what I find.

I am sorry that your feeling down at the mo, but I can totally sympathise. Hope you feel better soon.

Take Carexx

onwards and upwards

06-08-06, 20:21
katie i could have written that myself...you are not alone i feel exactly the same.My ultimate fear is fainting and think just your thoughts about "what ifs" i always worry im gonna faint and then never wake up again,,i never have fainted, like you and we most probably never will!
I think you are scaring yourself about going away..let me say if something was going to happen(which it wont) it would not matter where you are as it will happen wherever.. i have your symptoms exactly and at the min always feel spaced out and weird...you are not seriously ill katie you are just fine...we just need to kick the anxiety out of our lives!
go to scotland at the weekend and have a lovely time!
take care

06-08-06, 20:34
hi katy it is my biggest fear too!!!especially when i,m out with my children,i worry what would happen to them if i was to faint.i don,t really know of any real good advice as such,but just keep telling yourself that you have felt like this many times and you have always got through it!!!hope this helps take care just to know that you are not alone helps too