View Full Version : Seems to be one thing after another :-(

04-10-12, 19:13
I've had enough. How is a person supposed to get over anxiety if there is always something to set it off. I never seem to feel well. Got up this morning and had a bad pain the whole left side of my back (lung area) which hurt to move or breathe so of course I started worrying. However, it did ease off a bit after a couple of hours.

Then early this afternoon I got a severe burning pounding pain in my temple and eye and it just wont go away, I'm assuming it's a migraine as it's not like any headache I've ever had, but the longer it lingers the more it worries me (never had a migraine before). As I say it's always something, why cant I just feel healthy.

Is the anxiety actually making me ill or am I feeling ill and the anxiety is exaggerating it. Its just a nightmare and Im so fed up of it. Im a single mum with two gorgeous children and I dont want them ending up like me :weep:

fozzy is crying
04-10-12, 19:14

04-10-12, 19:44
I know exactly how you feel, it seems constant, anytime i seem to do something without anxiety the next time it hits me harder. I spoke with my counsellor today about it and she assured me that if i keep going it will get easier. with me i know deep down it's the anxiety making me notice pains and what not and not the other way around though this can be hard to keep in mind when in a panic!

Hope it eases for you :hugs:

04-10-12, 19:45
Oh anxiety can make a person feel chronically ill, it's actually unbelievable what an anxious mind can do to the body. Have a nice warm bath tonight, try to unwind. Xxx

04-10-12, 19:48
Thanks for your replies, I really appreciate it. It's hard to believe there is nothing wrong when you feel so ill and dont even feel anxious at the time. It's so confusing lol xx

04-10-12, 20:00
Thanks for your replies, I really appreciate it. It's hard to believe there is nothing wrong when you feel so ill and dont even feel anxious at the time. It's so confusing lol xx

This is what scares me so much too. Can my symptoms really be caused by anxiety when they pop up anytime? When I'm not even thinking about cancer? I understand that I feel more symptoms when I focus on them, but when I don't, how can that be anxiety?
This HA sucks!!!!

04-10-12, 20:09
Not all thoughts are formulated into words and the amygdala in your brain can trip very quickly.

04-10-12, 21:07
Definitely sucks, it ruins your life. Thought it was bad when I just suffered panic and anxiety attacks but this feels so much worse, constantly worrying you have some terminal illness :-( x