View Full Version : Sudden chest pain!

02-10-12, 23:41
Hey guys. Today after lunch I got this stabbing pain in the right side of my chest, it feels like its in the rib cage. Its really scary and I have it all the time when running, but I usually think its just a cramp and don't worry about it. But then I got it randomly after eating lunch! It hurts when I inhale too much, and it hurts when I exhale too much. Like continue exhaling even though I have no more air. I am also 16 years old, I never smoked in my life before, and I am fit, as I run tons every day due to soccer. All help and advice is appreciated!

02-10-12, 23:47
Hi, I also exercise alot and have various pains like this, from what I have been told by my doctor and what I have read on here it sounds to me alot like trapped wind, although i'm no expert so if symptoms persist/get worse in the next couple of days then it cant hurt to see the doctor. I have had pains similar to this in my back/rib cage and chest. I have never smoked and always go to the gym/play football, and used to worry like crazy, doesn't sound like anything to seriously worry about.

02-10-12, 23:55
What kind of food did you eat? How long did the pain last?
Might be indigestion or trapped wind, trapped wind can cause a very sharp n sudden pain.
Doesn't always feel like wind.

02-10-12, 23:58
I ate the schools crappy lunch which was a piece of pizza. I also have a little pain in my left side of the chest too, and it almost feels like my chest is tight. I don't have asthma either, well at least that is what I think. Not sure if the chest tightness is there, or its all in my head.

03-10-12, 00:01
If the tight chest came on when you started worrying about the chest pains it's probably caused by anxiety

03-10-12, 00:06
If the tight chest came on when you started worrying about the chest pains it's probably caused by anxiety

I wasn't that anxious, nor worrying about the chest pain, since I only usually get it when running, but this time I got it randomly after lunch. but the chest tightness yes, I worry that it is asthma but I never had that before! So don't really know if it could be anxiety or not.

03-10-12, 00:14
Ive had asthma since I was 9 (i'm 18 now) I doubt it's that, probably the anxiety seems a coincidence seen as though the 2 incidents came together. Maybe when your not anxious it will ease off :3 if you have asthma it would effect your running, it does with me and I only have slight asthma I need medication to be able to run around.

03-10-12, 00:20
Ive had asthma since I was 9 (i'm 18 now) I doubt it's that, probably the anxiety seems a coincidence seen as though the 2 incidents came together. Maybe when your not anxious it will ease off :3 if you have asthma it would effect your running, it does with me and I only have slight asthma I need medication to be able to run around.

I was talking about doing something with my friends that I never done before (not anything stupid haha) but I was kind of anxious and nervous just thinking about it. Then it came on, and I still have this chest pain on my right side in my rip cage almost. Its scary since its been there since like 1, and its 7:20 right now.

03-10-12, 00:23
I'm no doctor but sounds like trapped wind :D it can last for days (not trying to worry you haha) try to ignore it best you can (I feel a hypocrite for saying that to someone when i'm rubbish at doing it myself :p) There isnt really anything you can do for trapped wind, im sure the doctor would tell you the same but if it really concerns you speak to your docotor might put your mind at ease.

03-10-12, 00:29
I'm no doctor but sounds like trapped wind :D it can last for days (not trying to worry you haha) try to ignore it best you can (I feel a hypocrite for saying that to someone when i'm rubbish at doing it myself :p) There isnt really anything you can do for trapped wind, im sure the doctor would tell you the same but if it really concerns you speak to your docotor might put your mind at ease.

I hope a trapped wind isn't dangerous. Can there possible be something wrong with my gallbladder? I have had this pain all the time when running, maybe 2-3 times a week when running laps for soccer. Doesn't happen all the time, but it does. I thought it was a cramp, but not so sure anymore, since soccer started last month..

03-10-12, 00:36
I have been playing football (soccer) since I was 5 I get alot of trapped wind maybe 2-3 times a week, sometimes it lasts for weeks. I don't think it's dangerous ive never been told that it is. I always pester the doctors when I get it he got fed up of telling me and I had it alot. I'm sure with the ammount of times I had it he would have tested me if there was something wrong. Go and see the doctor and ask him, im not a doctor but from when you are describing it sounds harmless enough, maybe go see him put your mind to rest. Anxiety can also cause aches and pains you know, if you are anxious alot lately that might be your answer. If it is really frequent it might be just IBS alot of people suffer from the same problem. (sorry if it sounds a bit rambly)

03-10-12, 00:44
I could use all the advice I can get! Plus the doctors makes me more anxious than I already am, I'm not a big fan of them. but I will take your word for them being trapped winds! since you have a lot of experience with them. but do you get randoms pains? Such as you can be sitting there doing nothing and you'll randomly get a sharp pain? Can a trapped wind do that?

03-10-12, 00:50
Yes horrible sharp pains, some happen and vanish instantly others like I say can last for weeks. I hate the doctors too I get really worked up when I have to go (Im 18 and I still make my mum go with me I get that worked up). I don't worry about these symptoms anymore but I used to like mad, I don't anymore (I worry about other symptoms now) so I can honestly say I don't notice them as much.

03-10-12, 00:56
Yes horrible sharp pains, some happen and vanish instantly others like I say can last for weeks. I hate the doctors too I get really worked up when I have to go (Im 18 and I still make my mum go with me I get that worked up). I don't worry about these symptoms anymore but I used to like mad, I don't anymore (I worry about other symptoms now) so I can honestly say I don't notice them as much.

I never noticed these pains till I got it randomly, which made me a bit nervous. but anyways, I guess if they are harmless I will try not to worry about them! Thanks for your help :)

03-10-12, 01:02
has anyone felt paralzed when having a panic attack?

03-10-12, 02:32
paralysed with fear is a common complaint a bit like a badger caught in the headlights. Yes.


03-10-12, 09:26
has anyone felt paralzed when having a panic attack?

Fight/flight/freeze syndrome - it is our natural automatic defence mechanism.