View Full Version : Anxiety related to time

27-09-12, 21:06
Sorry for yet another post about this but it bothers me,

Its the same everyday when it gets around dinner time (5-6pm) and it starts getting dark outside i feel way more anxious. The later it gets the more spaced out i feel and by 10pm i feel like im not even here and i have this nervous feeling in my stomach and just dont feel right at all.

Honestly i just want to go to bed early cus when im in bed i feel alot more normal again - like i feel in the morning. I dont know if its because i dont like it getting dark or because the panic attacks ive had were usually at evening or night but i just dont feel right around evening/night time? Its like everything feels different at evening/night time or just doesnt feel right.

27-09-12, 21:10
When I am tired I am more anxious so I usually get more anxious on an evening. I often just go up to bed and watch TV then I feel more relaxed again.

27-09-12, 21:18
Yes, for me i dont think its cus im tired tho cus when i go to bed i stay up till 1am and im fine, i get atleast 8 hours of sleep every night so i shudnt be too tired.

27-09-12, 21:19
I dread 5-8 I don't know why and it's only recently been a bother to me. I don't understand it either but just feel so weird and doomish at this time!! I am fine about any other time and even have relief late at night because the world seems so calm when the majority are in bed too. It's normal to be in bed at that time. You aren't alone with this weird evening thing!!

27-09-12, 21:26
As your body winds down at the end of the day, illness does seem worse... Like when you have a cold, you feel worse at night... Also if you associate evening with panicky feelings, then you've programmed yourself to feel it, you expect it, so you get it...

27-09-12, 21:28
As your body winds down at the end of the day, illness does seem worse... Like when you have a cold, you feel worse at night... Also if you associate evening with panicky feelings, then you've programmed yourself to feel it, you expect it, so you get it...

EXACTLY!! It is all behaviour!!

27-09-12, 21:46
It's weird I'm the opposite, I feel worse in the morning! When do you take your meds I take mine before bed.

27-09-12, 21:52
I take mine 12am!

27-09-12, 21:53
I take mine 12am!

And I'm happy to be med free!

27-09-12, 21:56
Loopy - maybe bcus ive been talking about it :( and 'doomish' is the right word for sure. you say 5-8 do you feel better after 8?

Stormy- thnx that does make alot of sense - its been for so long maybe my brain is used to it?

Musiclover- im not taking any meds - never have

01-10-12, 19:37
Having this again now.. I went to the gym with someone at 8pm the whole way in the car driving i feel completly spaced out and sweaty and in the gym i feel like im not even there unreality feeling and feel so weird and horrible like im losing control :weep: Then driving back in the dark my heart beating sweating shaking dizzy unreal feeling.. please help :(

01-10-12, 19:47
You've associated night time/darkness with panic... So naturally when night comes, you panic...you have to re associate it with good feelings....
Anx is a learned behaviour, so can be unlearned... It's fears that keep it alive....hence you need to lose your fears...

01-10-12, 19:49
I had this but distracted recently and now no longer fear this time!