View Full Version : I just want to cry

27-09-12, 02:50
I've let my anxiety screw up a relationship I was really enjoying. I just want to cry because I know there's probably no way I can talk my way out of what I said. I'm pretty sure she's gonna end it tomorrow and I can't sleep because I'm scared. I don't know if I can handle knowing I screwed up again by getting too attached too fast. I feel like a complete idiot.

27-09-12, 03:01
Sending you lots of hugs :hugs:You're not an idiot, it's a natural human trait to crave love and affection, and when you find someone who you care for who can provide that to you it's difficult not to get attached. I hope everything works out.

27-09-12, 03:55
Thanks Chrissy, I just hope I can claw it back :) I doubt it but there's always hope.

28-09-12, 08:27
Hi Kitsune, how did things turn out with your gf?

fozzy is crying
28-09-12, 13:38
I've let my anxiety screw up a relationship I was really enjoying. I just want to cry because I know there's probably no way I can talk my way out of what I said. I'm pretty sure she's gonna end it tomorrow and I can't sleep because I'm scared. I don't know if I can handle knowing I screwed up again by getting too attached too fast. I feel like a complete idiot.

First you should not blame yourself. If she cares I am sure there is hope. In lots of cases like this the non-sufferer can not understand or does not want to. Have you tried to talk to her and tell her how your anxiety effects you and how and what it is like and your needs for support?

However in any relationship it is never ever the fault of one person when things go wrong. A lot of the time the person who blames themselves does so because it is the other persons problem and they have made it yours.

I wish you all the best and hope you sort this out.
