View Full Version : GAD fears, help please

26-09-12, 11:07
Hello, i have been reading alot about health anxiety for a while online, mainly because it helps me calm down.

Basically, i just wanted to get this all out in the open, ive tried everything else, this is almost the last stop.

Im a 20 year old male and about 18 month ago i had a massive panic attack, i genuinly thought i was going to die. ever since then i havent felt the same, i dont neccassirly feel anxious about my health all the time, but i have been told on numerous occasions i suffer with GAD and health anxiety.
Theres a history about this anxiety i think, my sister and nan died suddenly 3 years ago, my nan of cancer and my sister in a car crash (both sudden deaths wich i think may have linked to my fear of sudden death).

Also, i tripped out when i was 16 from smoking cannabis (i havent dared smoke it since) but i had a scary night and also thought i was going to die, i fear trying new things, getting cuts, or inhaling anything i dont know about.

I have had a long list of physical anxiety symptoms, the most recent being a rightness in the left side of my face, it comes on randomly, mainly when im not doing anything, eg, driving. so i tend to avoid driving, wich is a real shame because i used to love it. before i felt the face thing, i had a tightness in my chest, then i had a pain in the chest, then before that was my throat being really tight, before that was a stiff jaw (TMJ), the list just goes on, sometimes i used to get a tingling hand, a tingling finger, a weird feeling, dizzyness...anything that im sure a lot of people get on a normal basis and think nothing of, i just am terrified of these small little things.
I still get some of these symptoms, as i say, if im busy or feel safe then i tend to be ok, but when i feel like theres knowbody around i get scared of feeling these things, or if im bored i start to feel these weird syptoms (mainly the tight face).

Its not as if im anxious i dont think, i tend to get these weird aches and pains and THEN get anxious about them. not normally the other way round.
i am seeing a councellor about this, and it normally helps for a couple of days. i find that on a monday (when i have the counceling) i am fine, unti maybe the thrusday, but by the weekend i feel a state.

All of this has left me scared to be on my own, so i hate driving by myself, like right now for example..my mums asked me to drive to the tip (4 miles away) and im putting it off, im trying to get hold of my brother to come with me, it sucks. and i hate it.

Im reaching out to see if anybody can give me some advice or try and help me?
I've been to the doctors (about once every 2 weeks) for different problems, ive had an ECG, blood tests, chest xray and all sorts of other tests.

lastly, to anybody thats made it throught reading all of this..well done :yesyes:


26-09-12, 11:23
I understand you completly I have all these fears and symtoms ,and I also had a family member died suddenly two months ago ,Im like you should I go on medication or not ,so heres what im going to do Im going to have a chat to my doctor see what he thinks ,then Im going to do whats best for me ,but lol Im not quite sure yet ,do what you thinks going to help you take care xxxx

26-09-12, 11:36
Hi.. Sorry to read you are having a rough time. I have had every symptom you have described and it's horrible, the tiniest little thing can send us into a panic. I dont drive personally but I used to get anxious travelling in family's cars, walking my daughter to school etc but I kept forcing myself to do these things so I didnt become a wreck everytime I left the house.

I know it's not easy but just try to keep telling yourself that nothing bad is going to happen, you're not going to pass out or drop down dead. When you start to have the weird sensations try breathing in slowly through your nose and out through your mouth (say count to five breathing in and seven breathing out, so the exhaling is slightly longer than the inhaling). Also distraction is the best thing when you start to feel anxious, anything to occupy your mind.

I hope things get better for you soon:hugs:

---------- Post added at 11:36 ---------- Previous post was at 11:33 ----------

Ps My anxiety, panic attacks etc started with the sudden death of my mum and medication really helped me for the few years I was on it, so if things dont improve you could always discuss this with your doctor. Take care x