View Full Version : Did i have a panic attack again??

22-09-12, 23:18
Does this sound like panic, it keeps happening to me, always happens at evening/night time too...

I can just be somewhere and out of nowhere my heart will starts POUNDING, i get a very warm wave come over me that goes to my head and i feel really spaced out, like im not really here at all. My head gets warm and i cant think clear and just feel very out of it like i have to call for help bcus something bad is going to happen or something..

Its only a few minutes then i calm down but its very weird and uncomfortable, few minutes later i feel 'ok' again..

What the hell is this? ive had it many times before its soo freakin' scary. Im tired of this, why does this only happen late in the day not in the morning? can the body just give adrenaline rushes out of nowhere? im confused..how do i not panic when i feel this..

23-09-12, 13:54
Anyone? sorry for post about this again

23-09-12, 14:00
It sounds like the way my panic attack feels. I get the burning flush through my arms and chest and you just feel pure dread and doom. I think this most definitely is a panic attack that you're experiencing!!

23-09-12, 14:57
It sounds like a panic attack to me as well.But since you are able not to get scared, relax and overcome this,you are doing just fine!!!Don't let yourself thinking about it, just continue your life with it.;)

23-09-12, 15:44
Thnx the reason im afraid its not a panic attack is cus its veryy intense and its only for a few minutes. During the day im afraid its going to happen again so i feel on edge all day...When it gets later in the day i feel more anxious hoping im not going to get this weird panic again..

23-09-12, 15:54
Mine, happen in the morning and never in the evening.Maybe I had some at home but feeling the security and warmth of my place, I don't even notice them. For me that made it really difficult to go outside and wake up in the morning. I don't even want to get off my bed.

23-09-12, 17:22
I always get worse in the evenings. 5pm to bedtime is horrendous. Maybe it's due to tiredness and unwinding. I'm not sure. Just always feel a knot around this time. I am trying to distract myself but it's hard x

23-09-12, 17:37
yes me too 5pm till bedtime. Then when im in bed im ok.

23-09-12, 17:45
Sometimes I can't sleep. So i put on relaxation sounds from the sea lol x

27-09-12, 16:13
Hi Pacific

You have described my panic attacks exactly. I not long had one while i was in the shop. i felt awful and my legs felt like jelly. That was hour and half ago and i still feel a bit weird now :weep:

mandie x

27-09-12, 18:23
Yes that's what I call a mini panic attack, it's over really quick but it's extremely intense and you feel on the verge of it happening again for ages after, the burning body feeling scares the bejesus out of me. X

28-09-12, 15:21
Hello. It seems to be from reading your post that you are suffering from panic attacks. Have you spoken to your Doctor about this?