View Full Version : Headache Mystery!

20-09-12, 11:58
I'm really getting sick of this , my headaches don't match up to anything i can find , if anyone can give me pointers i would be Glad!!

My Headache Symptoms

Pain , One Sided - Yes , right side

Nausea/Vomiting - None

Worse in morning - No

Facial Pain - Very Occasionally

Facial Pressure - Yes , Around left eye

Pain worse with movement - Yes , Terrible pain when doing exercise

Visual Problems - Floaters (Caused by Anxiety)

Neck pain - Slightly Stiff not much though

Painkillers Working? - Yes , Nurofen

20-09-12, 12:32
Could be tension headache or caused by sinus pain. If they are very often and bothering you a lot, mention it to your doctor even if it is just to put your mind at rest. the more you worry about it the worse your headaches will get if it is a tension headache

20-09-12, 12:48
I have mentioned it to my Doctor , He tested my inter-cranial pressure which was normal and my blood pressure also normal. He said come back if it doesn't clear up

20-09-12, 12:50
Wait a while then and if it doesn't clear up go back but I wouldn't worry about it if your doctor has done tests. Sometimes a warm or cold compress over your forehead can help to relieve it. :hugs:

20-09-12, 13:53
It's actually feeling alot better since i started regularly taking anti-histamine's . They also seem to have cured my Asthma . Miracle Pill!

20-09-12, 15:10
Dylan, I have exactly the same thing in the right side. Paracetamol helps, but it keeps getting back.

Can I ask why were you prescribed anti-histamines? What's their effect?

20-09-12, 15:51
They fight off allergies allowing sinuses to clear

20-09-12, 15:57
Thank you...so probably it's a sinus issue...

20-09-12, 16:19
yh , probarly