View Full Version : Twitches and Spasms Driving me Crazy

19-09-12, 21:24
For the last few weeks i have been experiencing lots of muscle twitches and spasms and that added on to my fear of a Brain tumour is leaving me in a terrible state . Does anyone else here with anxiety get them?

---------- Post added at 21:24 ---------- Previous post was at 20:21 ----------


Anxious lu
19-09-12, 21:56
All the time especially this last week. In fact as I type this I have a random flutter in my neck lol. They are so random.. Random places random times, I had one in my tummy the other day. I get muscle spasms too like my leg will flinch.. Pretty sure I don't have a brain tumour as I has an MRI scan not that long ago where I'm sure they would have picked that up?!

It's linked with anxiety isn't it I think.. That's what I put mine down to.. If you forget about them for a bit they might die down. My councillor tells me that your mind gettin anxious over a symptom only encourages it and makes it worse.

19-09-12, 22:06
Yes your MRI would have picked that up . I wish i could get an MRI to put my mind at ease . I seem to only start getting them when my body is relaxing , maybe's its the bodies way of repairing the tensed muscles. Anyway thanks for replying , I'm going to have to trod along with these severe headaches for the meantime

Anxious lu
19-09-12, 22:20
Honestly don't worry I suffer migraines and had like loss of speach and numbness with it and that's why I went for an MRI.. After I was so stressed and anxious I had a headache for days! As soon as I was distracted moving and starting a new job and course it stopped. Mine happen most when I have relaxed. If I haven't exercised in aes and then go for a Long walk when I stop my legs twitch all over it scares me still but it's probably just where they aren't used to it. I tremble lately too .. One thing after another but I'm trying to ignore it. Are people allowed to Request an MRI?

19-09-12, 23:04
I get this also and am an anxiety sufferer,
but might also be magnesium deficiency?

a good way to tell if you are deficient in Magnesium is to try the Magnesium spray.. if you are low in it it will cause a slight burning sting when you spray it.. as you use the spray over a few weeks and build it up the sting stops happening.. i tried it and i stung.. but when i tried it on friends/family they all reacted differently..

might be a long shot.. but might help??

best of luck!!

19-09-12, 23:08
yep, I get this too. Some times in my right eye some times in the left, other times it's in muscles. From what I understand, very common with anxiety and I do know when my health anxiety is really high, I get more twitches and muscle spasms. I used to worry incessantly about them when they happened, now I just let them be and try to relax about it and they seem to go away much quicker. best to you!

20-09-12, 16:47
this is driving me crazy right now. From what I've seen here, its pretty common x

20-09-12, 21:44
Random muscle twitches in arms, legs, stomach, neck, eyelids = adrenaline. I got them loads last year and they scared the shit out of me (so I got more as a result). After CBT much less.

I still get them from time to time but they no longer frighten me because I know why I get them.

22-09-12, 15:19
Thanks , i hate how anxiety mimics Neurological conditions so well