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19-09-12, 06:56
I suffer with headaches, had an appt last week with Doc and again he said it is all anxiety and stress. So was starting to accept this and then watched DIY SOS last night. The man on it had a brain tumour and had headaches for 18months. This totally freaked me out and sent me to Dr Google, I have been doing so well with Dr Google. I am worried again :weep:

19-09-12, 08:31
I'm sorry to hear the programme last night affected you :hugs:

I think if you are really worried then perhaps go back to your doctor for some re-assurance? Dr Google doesn't have the right answers, it will only give you everyone's worse case.

Hope you are feeling a bit calmer today :)

i love tea
19-09-12, 09:14
I think you're falling into the trap that most of us with HA fall into all the time... I saw the programme too. You've latched on to the part when he said he had headaches for 18 months but do you remember that his wife said he would shout with pain in the car if they went over a bump in the road? That's far more than a headache. They used the term headache, but I would imagine his symptoms were much worse & more complex than they went in to on the programme. Don't let the panic take hold - I've done it myself so many times!

Take care xx

19-09-12, 11:01
Thanks for your replies. A lot calmer today.

Paranoidtree - I was at my doctor last week, getting re-assurance and he said he sees no reason why I should have futher tests and it will only fuel my anxiety. I need to start listening to him. See you have a blog, will take a look.

I love tea - Your right the only bit I latched onto was Headache......HA sucks.