View Full Version : Can boils be triggered by stress?

17-09-12, 18:34
So this is kind of an embarrassing one but I need some advice. Over a month ago I started getting (what I thought were) bites in work. I had one three on my leg and all at different times. They were horrendous. Really big. I let them take care of themselves and they did clear up. But now....I keep getting them again but on what my doc describes as back of hip. I call it butt!! The first one I had Flucloxacillian for and it did clear up. Second they prescribed same again. This time I dressed it and didn't take the antiobiotics because they made me feel sick and I don't want to become immune! Now I have one in the exact same place opposite side! They start out like a spot then just evolve into a big boil that leave a little hole. They make me feel faint and queasy and I wondered why it keeps happening? I wash my sheets every other day due to being off work in bed all day due to anxiety and panic attacks. I also bath everyday and my bed is new so it can't be bedbugs lol. What is causing this? I would really appreciate some feeback because I really don't know why they keep happening and they scar!! Dotty botty :(

17-09-12, 18:39
Yes they can be stress related. I got one on my face once which was quite embarrassing. I used magnesium sulphate paste to get rid of it and it worked really well. (you can get it from Boots)

17-09-12, 18:42
Thank you for this! I just keep thinking I have some flesh eating bug. Could the boils be triggered by anxiety or my recent relapse into anxiety be caused by these boils? They really are horrendous. the swelling is as big as a 50p and the whole itself about the size of a large crumb (couldn't thionk of a better example) I just had a bath and put a fresh dressing on but just thinking about it is making me feel faint and queasy.

17-09-12, 18:47
I got mine at a time when I was under a lot of stress and I also got shingles not long after which is also stress related...Unfortunately stress and anxiety can cause all sorts of problems :( The magnesium sulphate is really good as it draws the boil and gets rid of it. I also use it if I get a splinter as it draws splinters out too. It only costs £2.29 so is cheaper than a prescription from the doctor (although I just noticed you are in Wales so your prescriptions are free :) )

17-09-12, 18:53
They are indeed free. BUt we get given the cheap cr=p!! lol. I would of paid for ecit over cit!!

17-09-12, 18:57
I hope they clear up for you soon as I know they are not nice to have :hugs:

17-09-12, 19:03
Did they make you feel queasy? Thank you! I really appreciate you replying to me. There isn't much internet info about them!

17-09-12, 19:13
I got them in the same area on the "back of hip" as your doc said, haha. I think it was from where my underwear line was irritating the skin that made them happen there.

17-09-12, 19:17
Didn't even think of that! Where yours big and swollen?

17-09-12, 19:22
They did make me feel queazy but I think that is just because I was anxious about them.

17-09-12, 19:23
That is what I think mine is! I felt that queasy I had to get out of the bath. Worried I would blackout and drown in there!!

17-09-12, 19:25
yeah, and left a scar too! I got looser fitting pants and underwear and it has helped a little but still get them once in a while. They hurt!

17-09-12, 19:27
I had a small scar for a while but it faded and can't be noticed now.

17-09-12, 20:31
I get them behind my ears when I'm stressed!

17-09-12, 20:53
I get these too - on my chin, ears, groin and lady garden bits! Lovely. Always flare up when I'm stressed, very painful, red and huge, sometimes they track for approx 1/2 inch and fill with pus. Antibiotics don't do much, I've taken flucloxacillan loads of times. I've tried vitamins, echinicha, washing with hibiscrub, tetracycline - they still come up from deep down often with no head, very painful - I 'pop' them with a sterile needle sometimes just to relieve the pressure. The ones in my ears lead to ear infections and subsequent deafness.
As if anxiety isn't enough to cope with, these boils really get me down, I'll definately try that magnesium stuff from boots though, thanks.
I've just had shingles and impetigo too - my immune system must be shot to pieces.