View Full Version : Loss of appetite

16-09-12, 19:36
About 6 weeks ago I started a anxiety relapse, when I relapse my appetite goes down drastically but I normally feel hungry for dinner. For the last three weeks I have had no appetite at all and have been having to force myself to eat. I am not sure whether upping my anti-depressant meds would help as they make me more anxious and therefore don't help with the anxiety. Has anyone else had a complete loss of appetite? Is there anything else I can do? How long will this last?

16-09-12, 19:44
I to have a lost of appetite, when I have an episode of high anxiety thats the one of the first thing that goes even the smell makes me feel sick. I cant eat first thing in the morning till about 11ish thats after my heaving has settled down and I feel I can force something usually a weetabix with milk. every meal is a chore and thats only because I make myself which is hard dont get me wrong I usually have things like soup, fish yoghurt, rice pud.

I have been in this state now for 2 weeks and I can just about force something down
I know exactly what you are going through:bighug1:

16-09-12, 19:44
When my anxiety gets worse I have no appetite at all and can't even think of anything I would like to eat. I eat little and as often as I can to make sure I eat something. I can usually manage a banana mashed with some milk, rice pudding, yogurts, jelly, plain biscuits and fruit. I always feel nauseous when I am anxious and most of what I do eat goes straight through me! I have lost quite a bit of weight the past few weeks but my husband keeps saying if I can only manage a little it is getting some goodness in me.

16-09-12, 21:32
I'm like this at the moment. Am on mirt and in the beginning of taking it I had a wicked appetite but now it's gone. I usually feel at my best when I have an appetite.