View Full Version : am i doing the right thing?

12-09-12, 11:15
as sum of you know i have got back with my hubby now he wants me to move to shrewsbury as thats where he lives now. i want to go but it scares me as i will be away from my parents and they r my life line at the momment they help me out with my daughter they bath her get her up for school if she is ill they deal it it as i am emtophobic. if i go shrewsbury i wont have that i will be on my own while hubby works. i am happy we are trying again to make our marrige work. i said i want my daughter to finish her junior school first so i have 2 years to think about it

12-09-12, 16:12
Only you can make that decision hun.

12-09-12, 17:59
i know donny but will i cope without my parents

12-09-12, 20:35
Hi Spuder, you need to do what's right for you. Is there a particular reason your husband lives in Shrewsbury now? Could you maybe do a trial for a week when your daughter in next on half term, that way you could try it to see how you cope with it rather than thinking that you are moving there and that's it?

Hope you feel strong enough to make your decision :hugs:

12-09-12, 20:38
hi my hubby works in shrewsbury and when we split thats where he moved to and shared a house with a guy he knows from work. great idea about the half term but we r going butlins in skeggy for 7 days

12-09-12, 20:41
now that sounds like fun! Maybe just give yourself some time this year and maybe over the Christmas period, or even next year, i think you said you have 2 years to decide to plenty of time to take it at a nice easy pace :D

Enjoy your holiday!

12-09-12, 20:48
thanks hun yeah my daughter is still in primary school and i said to hubby i dont want to take her out so she has 2 years still left.