View Full Version : Im back!!!!

11-09-12, 17:28
Hi everyone I haven't been here for a while now but feel the need to pop back.Had a bit of a set back.

My lovely hubby had a stroke in May,luckily it only affected his balance,I had to be strong and be with him at hospital and go back several times for more tests and still more tests to come as they don't know what caused him to have a stroke.He is 49.

Im scared he will have another one,scared of losing him.

After that my mother in law passed away in June when he was still recovering,this has set him back.He has gone froma laid back easy going person to an anxious,depressed and emotional person.

He has taken full responsability of his handicapped sister,the rest of the family have left him to it.He is full of anger about this and so am I.

We are trying to get respite care at the moment.

I have managed to stay on top of it all but dont know for how much longer.

She is coming on our holiday with us next week when its always been the two of us and I dont know what its going to be like,I dont mean to sound selfish but its always been us two and we have only been married just over a year.

Just need to let of some steam,this is life changing!!!!!!

11-09-12, 17:40
Wow, I cannot believe everything you are going through and you sound very composed and strong. It takes a lot to handle all of that at once. You don't sound selfish at all, in fact you sound very unselfish because you are giving so much to others.

Please make sure you take some time for yourself and for you and your hubby together. It looks like you have been trying to, but just make sure you do. Caregiver fatigue and stress is a huge problem. I don't know about where you live, but near me there are a lot of caregiver support groups that may be of help for you both.

Best wishes to you and your husband xx

11-09-12, 21:00
Thank you so much for your message and support.xxxxxxxxx:)

16-09-12, 20:45
well I see alot of the older friends I made here must have all got better to and left NMP!!!!!!!!:weep: