View Full Version : symptoms all day

09-09-12, 20:21
does any one get symptoms for most of the day i do and its freaking me out for example,
woke up with horrible stomach ache then got head ache
in the car my head felt strange like a fog and little pressure
then i got hip,leg and back pain
then back to the brain fog

Just cant understand why myself and others i know with health anxiety get syptoms like ms or cancer but then our doctors reasure us its not the horrible desises we dread.

09-09-12, 20:23
I have days like that and I am sure many people on here do but it is reassuring to know we are not alone sending you :hugs:

09-09-12, 23:08
Yes. I definitely suffer symptoms from anxiety all day including
Terrible stomac pain (knots, nausea)
Digestion problems
Bowel problems
Back pain
Brain fog
It's awful and debilitating. I have recently gone on some meds short term and it is definitely helping but then when it is time for my next dose all the symptoms return as it wears off :S

You are not alone. I don't have any answers except try not to focus on the symptoms too much - you KNOW what is causing them and by giving power to your mind you only make them worse (easier said than done though) good luck

10-09-12, 00:04
Indeed, if you start to focus on a sensation your brain will emphasise it so the information can be better processed, and then go into overdrive because of that nasty feedback loop most anxiety sufferers are stuck in.

When non-anxious people simply forget about the sensation after a while, we track it and selectively keep it alive through our false assumption that something potentially threatening may be going on, especially if we don't pay enough attention to it. We're so afraid to miss THE sign of our end, that we live in a constant state of alert and scan anything... going from one sensation to the next, and so on.

Fortunately meds and therapies help correct that :)

11-09-12, 18:47
I sometimes have days where i have symptoms now and again, all day or not at all. It varies all the time, but it is so annoying when you do have to put up with them constantly, sometimes you can't just ignore them, even though thats the best thing to try and do.
Some sympoms what i can have which can last all day are things like tingling, light headedness, aches and pains, somedays the list could go on!
Then somwdays Im fine.
it can be hard to cope with.
All the best :)