View Full Version : I am having a huge panic attack about my son please help!!

08-09-12, 02:01
My son is very very athletic. He is in every sport you can think of. This month Volleyball started at school and he has been comming home lately saying that he gets a really bad pain in his lower right side when he plays and it lasts through the evening. I am soooooo worried he is 14 and I am scared there is something wrong with his pancrias or liver or some kind of cancer!!! I had him to the doctor a few months ago for blood work due to my health anxiety and it all came back good but I know things can happen fast with kids. I am so worried something is wrong with my son.

08-09-12, 02:09
I'm no doc but I played vb, long ago. Important and full extensions are frequent, and if your son abdominal muscles weren't 'warm' enough', this would typically be the kind of pain he'd experience.
Relax for now, and see how it goes tomorrow. Maybe some slight stretching in the morning could help him.

08-09-12, 02:10
So it only happens after he has done physical activity?
I get a lower back pain that can go around my side and into my ribs but it only hurts if I do a lot of physical work.
Heat and pain meds usually help.
So I would assume its just muscle pain or he's pintched a nerve.
If the pains very bad maybe take him to a doctor who deals more with the muscles ?
A good massage might help him too :)