View Full Version : my body feels a mess

07-09-12, 14:21

I'm feeling awful. Terrible abdominal and back pains (I've had IVF and I think its triggered my endometriosis). I feel exhausted and sick. When I go to the loo I have diarrhoea. I have had a cough for the last month thats getting worse not better. I'm 31 and my body is falling apart or feels like it.:weep:

Today I left work early and went to my GP who was very thorough. He listened to my chest and felt my belly (ouch). Prescribed me co-codemol and anti-biotics, made me do a urine, stool and blood test.. will wait for the results.

I'm scared something really bad is going on in me (the C!) ... perhaps triggered by all the hormones from the IVF. :weep:

I really was resistant going to the GP and then when he said blood test I said "do I have to?!". Its crazy because I have health anxiety but Im also scared of getting treated. I anyone else like this? I can't even check my boobs in case I find something and panic.

Feel so stupid and miserable.


07-09-12, 20:29

07-09-12, 21:54
It might just be your hormones .
But it's good your doctor is running tests :)

08-09-12, 18:04
im sure it is hun. My friend had IVF and I remember her telling me she felt really ill x

09-09-12, 11:20
Thanks anxious gal and sparkle.

I'm feeling a bit better today and my cough seems to be easing off.. just can't get my head round this depression/anxiety.
