View Full Version : really anxious about physio appoinment

29-08-12, 10:45
I had quite a good day yesterday so thought I was improving but this morning woke up really anxious, feeling sick and upset stomach. I am getting anxious about my physio appointment which is crazy because I know it will help my foot to heal. Someone told me yesterday that physio is very painful and as soon as they said it my heart began to race! I just don't think I can cope any more like this. I have lost so much weight with not eating and feel so weak.

29-08-12, 18:08
Hi there Annie, I am actually a physio assistant so maybe I can make you feel better by letting you know that in most cases a therapist will not push you past what you are able to stand pain wise. Dont be afraid to let your therapist know when the exersizes are getting painful and you cant continue and I know in our clinic that we usually say thats enough and then we place the lazor on or do the tissue ultrasound followed by a hot pac which is really relaxing. After physio depending on how you feel dont be afraid to ice it and put it up, and if you continue your home exersizes as well I am sure you will be up and feeling better in no time. I wish you all the best and if you have any more questions please feel free to message me. Have a great day!

29-08-12, 18:50
Thank you very much for your reply Lisa, it has helped me a lot. I have actually just got back from the session and the physio was lovely and said he thinks I am doing really well and hopefully will be able to walk again in about 7 weeks. He suggested I try to walk in a pool to start with.