View Full Version : Been in a constant Fog for weeks!

23-08-12, 17:57
Hi everyone,

Getting really worried here, i am in a constant fog with dizzyness, fuzzy buzzy feeling inside my head like there is to much electrical activity going on or something.

I have been on Citalopram for 19 days and Im not sure if that is causing it as I have felt very similar to this before taking any medication. I wasnt to bad for the first 10 days of taking Cit just a light fog but from day 11 it has just been the worst feeling ever.

I dont feel my anxiety levels are that high. Its like the extreme fog is there all the time and now and then i get so agitated from feeling so weird that my anxiety rises.

Do you think this could be something neurological or the medication or the underlying anxiety causing these feelings?

I dont know what to do with myself, dont know weather to carry on with the medication or what.

Someone pleae help!

23-08-12, 18:50
Hi, ive had exactly the the same for 3 months now, i feel spaced out and my head is foggy, i also have buzzing in my ears? This makes me scared and in turn makes my anxiety worse, which makes me feel even worse! ive had a CT scan and seen a private ENT, everything is normal. Ive been told its all down to the stress/anxiety levels in my body. Somedays i dont feel as anxious but still have a foggy head? ive been told by my new gp that these symptoms will go in time, ive just started on Ven so hoping this will be the drug for me to ease my anxiety and get me on track again! :)

23-08-12, 19:02
Thanks for the reply Spawn.
I dont have the ringing in my ears but i do notice that my right eye, the pupil gets much bigger than my left every so often which gets me even more worried.

yea i no what you mean, even if I dont feel anxious the fog is there non stop. I hope it is all stress and anxiety and it goes soon.

23-08-12, 19:30
I have constant strange head sensations that frighten me to death n make me so uneasy im going to see a neurologist soon :-( xx

23-08-12, 19:38
I've had a constant fog/lightheadedness/feeling that my brain is spinning feeling constantly for years- but I didn't start worrying about it until a few months ago when it got a lot worse. I've had an MRI, and I've been to an ENT and everything is fine with that. For me, being tired or more stressed definitely makes it worse, but I still have it even when I'm not that stressed. I've been told it's all from the anxiety, and not thinking about it will make it better.

23-08-12, 20:58
Thanks for the replys guys its just so horrible having this feeling constantly.

23-08-12, 21:44
Ive had alot of time off work due to my foggy head, i just cant function anymore. Drives me mad as nothing i do or take makes it better!

23-08-12, 22:09
Hi spawn, do you have anxiety. do you think its due to that or something else. I am not at work either due to all this.