View Full Version : Anyone with continues symptoms???

22-08-12, 14:06
Hello again,
I've read lots of posts in the forum about any kind of symptom caused by HA, but almost all of them are lasting for hours or for days. So if it disappears after a few days it's almost 100% to be just HA.

However in my case the weak feeling in my left leg (and now in my arms also) never disappears. It fluctuates a lot, but it's always there. It all started with a HA attack about 3 months ago.

Anyone with long lasting symptoms like this? Is it still possible to be HA?


22-08-12, 14:23
Hi i have symptoms that last weeks even months so i dont even know if it is anxiety ??

22-08-12, 14:31
that's so frustrating :(

22-08-12, 15:21
Yep it is matrix wish i cud just wave a magic wand n make everything better xx

22-08-12, 18:12
it seems no one has long lasting symptoms...doesn't look good :(

22-08-12, 18:21
Yes me, same symptoms in the same places for months now. Really worries me x

22-08-12, 18:28
have you done any tests abby?

22-08-12, 18:32
I've had blood tests and a scan on a lump on my neck but when your constantly in pain without being given a clue of what it is its worrying. Plus I have three bruise looking marks on my arms which have been there a few months so they are freaking me out. At docs Friday but I'm dreading it. I get the weakness you describe but I have pain with it too x

22-08-12, 18:36
I hope it goes well to you...

22-08-12, 18:38
Thanks. Have you had tests done to find out what's causing the weakness?

22-08-12, 18:45
Ive heard u can get weakness with anxiety x

22-08-12, 18:46
Not yet. Today I walked for two hours in the mountain, the fealing of weak was there, but I managed to walk. I hope its a good thing

22-08-12, 18:51
I would say its a good thing. I also agree with Dizzydoll about anxiety causing weakness. I hope it goes soon so you get some peace of mind x

22-08-12, 18:55
I'll do some tests after the vacations...hopefully nothing wrong will show up

22-08-12, 19:05
Well im going to see a different doctor tomorrow as im worried i av ms im really scared i always get emotional at the docs x

22-08-12, 19:32
Ms is my biggest worry also

22-08-12, 19:42
My mum already has it so im so fearful il have it too x

22-08-12, 19:48
I wish you dont have it.

Hows mom dealing with it? Is she able to walk or has it affected her badly?

22-08-12, 19:59
No shes bad she cant walk she is in a wheelchair n can do very little for herself :-(

22-08-12, 20:19
Sorry to hear that. For how long did she had it?

22-08-12, 20:39
She found she had it when she was 28 which is my age now n now shes nearly 50 x

22-08-12, 20:46
I had my first anxiety symptoms two years ago (although it feels like yesterday). I had really bad back pain, the doctor told me it was muscle pain but i was convinced I had something alot more sinister. I had this pain for five months in total and one day I had realised it was gone. I get numerous symptoms they seem to affect my left side more. One example recently I had had pain and discomfort in my left breast I was convinced I had Breast cancer. I had had this for about four weeks. I went to see my GP who examined me listened to the other symptoms I had and reassured me. The next day The pain had gone. Any symptoms I get I worry its something sinister and they have lasted a long time some of them. I try to take one day at a time. Hope this helps x x :hugs:

22-08-12, 20:52
Thanx cassie its just so scary n hard to switch off from x

22-08-12, 20:59
Sorry to hear about your mum Dizzydoll, its not surprising you're anxious about it. I hope everything goes ok at the Dr's tomorrow. I'm sure you will be fine x

22-08-12, 21:17
Thanx abby x

23-08-12, 07:26
Cassie did you have the pain all the time or it would come and go. I jave the weak feeling in my left leg all the time and Im so scared about it..

23-08-12, 08:25
Hi. I am having weakness and tingling in my forearms, hands, lower legs and feet. I too am worried about ms. It started about a month ago when I was camping, I felt a slight tingle in my right arm. It went away and I felt it a few weeks later. I then noticed that when I went running both arms would feel a bit numb and I would have to shake them. Since then all limbs feel numb and tingly. I wake a few times in the night with dead arms and hands and feel panicky. Each morning I wake wondering if the symptoms have gone, but sadly this morning I feel the same. I am in Spain at the moment and don't come home for another week so am desperately trying to forget about things. I don't want to ruin our family holiday. I am 38 and ms is usually diagnosed between 20-40 apparently so I am still in the zone! My uncle doesn't think I have ms as my eyesight is fine and I am feeling it in all limbs. He says it's usually one sided. He is not a doc tho but suffers with psrkinsons and knows his stuff. When I was feeling the numbness in my arm I googled and ms came up so I do wonder if I have brought these symptoms on?!!! It's do' hard to distinguish from HA and reality. Am trying to relax and forget but it's so hard when you feel it all the time. Any tips. Please can you help? Thanks xx

23-08-12, 08:54
Your ancle is right that usually doesnt affect all limps. In my case its mostly the left lrg and the arms. I dont have any tips but reassurance from the docs works for me. Im planning to see a neeuro soon

23-08-12, 22:09
I had the back pain all the time. But in the evening's it would seem 100 times worse. Once the medication kicked in and I relaxed it settled down. I remember phoning the doctor and saying I cant believe how long I have had this pain for!! His reply "If it was something serious you would have known by now " Almost instantly I felt reassured and calm. It wasnt long after that my symptoms subsided. Sometimes just a sympathetic Doctor can ease the symptoms. I know when I get a symptom the hardest thing is trying to reassure myself it isnt something serious. Its easier said than done not a day goes by without a thought popping into my head ! What if its this or that. All I would suggest go to see your G.P explain your symptoms and your worries. Take care x x :hugs::hugs:

24-08-12, 00:01
Hey there I have panic attacks and anxiety have alot of pain in breast area
And arm have had a chest X-ray and ct scan showed chest all clear I think anxiety can have a huge impact on the body and suddenly you have a heightened awareness of your body every pain every heartbeat then I think the anxiety makes the pains even worse it's a vicious circle hope your feeling better soon x:hugs: