View Full Version : Please read, Im freaking out again :(

20-08-12, 23:43
Here I am again with more cancer worries! I have had some slight swelling on my right side by my pelvis it kind of goes from my pubic bone to my hip and its a bit achey. I have had this for about 5 months. I had a laproscopy done and they said everything looks benign but I am worried that maybe they didnt check everything.

Also do you think that if a person had a cancer in their lungs or chest that it would have been picked up by a ct scan that I had in may??

And lastly my right breast pain is flairing up again, I thought that I would feel better that the needle biopsy came back benign but I am worried he didnt take tissue from the right spot.

I just want to feel good again. I never feel good at all anymore, just always yucky! I wish I could find the sorce of all my pain.

21-08-12, 02:14
So there is a lump there but it's begin?
I guess you could seek out a 2nd opinion if you needed the reassurance?

21-08-12, 02:50
Hi, no there is no lump just some thick tissue at the top of my right breast.