View Full Version : convinced i have a tumour

11-08-12, 20:32
Im a 30 year old male iv olny had bad health anxiety since i went to the dentist two weeks ago to have a tooth out but it wouldnt numb so i have to have it done in hospital. Since then i was on antibiotics called metrodizanol and they made me feel really ill so i went to the doctor and explaid the situation she said you seem worked up and to come off them and that if i still felt ill in a few days it would be a trip to a&e. Two days later i woke up with a tight chest and could breath so went to a&e and was given blood tests, x-rays and told its anxiety attack. since then iv had symptoms such as- stiff neck, headaches, back ache, my arm jumps when asleep, insomnia, hot & cold feelings, feeling of some one is popping popcorn on my skull. so off i went to the doctor i explained everything again he said you have health anxiety i told him im sure i have a brain tumour he told me he is 100% sure i dont and i asked if i could see a councellor and he said it willl take week so i can see him once aweek instead he put me on beta blockers but they made me worse. He wont send me for a scan as it costs the nhs to much and says i dont show syptoms of a tomour. My wife is stressed as its all i talk about im always on the phone to nhs direct asking about my syptoms. I just dont know who to turn to or what to do its affecting my buisness and my home life. am i alone?

11-08-12, 20:43
You are not alone, ive realised since joining this site that we are not alone. I know I drive my family mad with my constant worry. I had a headache that lasted 2 weeks and i convinced myself I had a brain tumour. It doesnt matter what anyone says, I just cant let it go that I must be seriously ill. I hate feeling like this. I would sit for hours on google looking up my symptoms and brain tumours. Night times the worst, i can get myself in an awful state. Im sick of being like this. I havent asked for help yet but im going too

11-08-12, 20:51
The symptoms you are describing all sound like symptoms of anxiety and must people here will be able to identify with that. They are not nice feelings but they are not going to harm you. I used to panic about the symptoms thinking it was something more serious but now I know it isn't it is not so bad. :hugs:

11-08-12, 20:52
You are absolutely not alone. You'll find many people here with similar stories. It really affects all areas of your life and can make both work and home life hard which in turn can make you feel that there's nowhere you can go and you end up feeling trapped.

It seems that your HA has come quite out of the blue, but I suspect that if you look carefully at your life and your thinking and beliefs lately, you will probably find that it's something that has been building up for quite some time, and this has just been the trigger that has really set you into that downward spiral. I have been on beta blockers before and found that whilst they helped with the physical symptoms of anxiety such as racing heart, muscle aches etc,they didn't do anything for my obsessive thinking. Anti depressants and talking therapies like CBT are much more effective for that in my experience. In the meantime, I am sure you will find a lot of comfort here reading other people's experiences and realising that anxiety in itself is an illness and that others can understand what you're going through.

12-08-12, 01:30
i was sent for an mri scan cause of my anxiety keep on at your gp and i think i was wrong of him to say hes 100% sure, only a scan can determin that, try see another doctor and i get alot of your symptoms includin the one you descibed as popcorn poppin in your skull xx

12-08-12, 08:37
I think its come on as i was wound up about the dentist and the fact i couldnt have my tooth out and i had an infection in it made it worse. Iv been to the emergancy dentist yestereday and they said the doctor should of not taken me off the antibiotics but as the infection is still presant. so im now on 500mg amoxacilen.
Iv also seen 2 oncall doctors and spoke to about 6 nhs nurses and they all say you dont have a tumour its the anxiety. I keep looking on the nhs brain tumour syptoms and the only thing i have that comes close to any sypton is when my arm jumps when im asleep but only when im really tyerd but doctor said its not classed as a fit.
I just get so down i keep thinking im not going to see my two kids grow up and it scares me to tears some times. i know i need to see a counceler but doctor has not refered me he would rarther see me one a week him self but i dont feel reasured

---------- Post added at 08:37 ---------- Previous post was at 08:01 ----------

why wont my doctor just send me for councelling i cant take any more this is ripping me apart all he does is make me see him one a week for 20 min then reasures me i dont have a tumour. Were can i get help from

12-08-12, 09:37
I would demand to be snt further. I havent had help either but I am going to ask to be referred. I am thr same as u, i have two small boys and I hve a HUGE fear that I am going to die and not see them grow up. Aswell as constanly fearing that I am going to get cancer i keep having really morbid thoughts. Like i could have a headache and il sit for hours on google convinced im going to die, then my brian wont stop, what will happen to my kids, what will my funeral be like etc etc. Im sick of thinking this way, i always think the worst. Like if i plan to go on a long trip i feel like caing it as it gets closer cuz i start getting a fear that il be in a car accident. Im sure it cant be normal to think like this all the time

---------- Post added at 09:37 ---------- Previous post was at 09:36 ----------
