View Full Version : pains all in left head/face/jaw

04-08-12, 18:22
following on from my other thread...convinced i have a brain tumour. i have been getting pais all in my left scalp and temple today as well as in my jaw and cheek area:shrug: and the start of it in my neck...really worried, dont have a clue what it is :(

04-08-12, 18:31
I get this! Even all the way down my arm into my hand. I worry about things like tumors and strokes :( I think it's either a pinched nerve or anxiety though.

04-08-12, 18:35
my arm felt weird earlier, like slightly burning sensation, it has since gone.... i know its def not a stroke as it would be opposite side of body to the affected brain side. its been constant all day, no headache though, just shooting pains at 3min intervals :/

I get this! Even all the way down my arm into my hand. I worry about things like tumors and strokes :( I think it's either a pinched nerve or anxiety though.

04-08-12, 19:23
Yeah mine is exactly that, a burning sensation. But it's a kind of cold sensation at the same time? Rather strange :S

04-08-12, 19:27
It sounds like tension to me

04-08-12, 19:45
what causes tension ?

04-08-12, 19:53
Anxiety :P causes all other symptoms too which I'm sure we're all aware of here lol.

04-08-12, 19:58
Hunching your shoulders up, anxiety, stress, bad posture

04-08-12, 19:59
Hunching your shoulders up, anxiety, stress, bad posture

I do every single thing you listed there... Haha.

04-08-12, 20:07
iv suffered anxiety and stress for years so why all of a sudden now :(

04-08-12, 20:38
I have that right now. Its a nerve when i get it i think hunched muscles and in my case inflamation as i have fibromyalgia sometimes trap a nerve. Right now it starts in my head at the back and it comes every few miutes like a shooting pinch pain, then slightly in my jaw, down the inside of my arm, right to my thumb and one finger. The sensation it gives is tender a bit like touching sunburn and can be quite painful and my hand feels stiff like it would if you had been out in the freezing cold and then came into the warm.
I have been checked out many times its a trapped nerve or neuralgia that i have, if you have the same it will go away again so dont worry x

04-08-12, 20:44
That's reassuring to hear as I'm having the same problem. I hope you are right and this passes, as I have been sitting very hunched and I think i have fibromyalgia.

04-08-12, 20:54
im crying now as i type, i just want to know what is wrong with me.....its eating away at me and i cant take it anymore :(

04-08-12, 20:55
It will be that i have had it loads and other things dont really give these symptoms alone. It can be really painful when i get it i cant brush my hair as its so painful.
It is very common in people i know with fibromyalgia that muscle rub stuff sometimes helps and neurofen definitely does, but i cant take that at the minute. It is very typically nerve pain ad it follows a nerve pathway thats all. A brain tumour isnt sensitive to touch on the outside is it ? otherwise why bother with mri scans we could jut have a little feel lol
The more tense you are over it the more you are squeezing that nerve so try a warm bath and nurofen if you can take it and it will ease :)

04-08-12, 20:59
none onf my head is sensitive to touch :unsure: how long does your episodes last? this has been 2 weeks 2moro :(

04-08-12, 21:11
Now days usually only a few days because i know what it is but years ago when i didnt it would frighten the life out of me and last ages.
Have you been to a doctor and told him/her and told them also what you are scared it is ? x

04-08-12, 21:31
Mine isn't sensitive to the touch either. Pain is going a little into my back and ribs abit too.