View Full Version : Red bumps on skin...and I googled :(

15-07-12, 16:15
So its been a while since I've posted on here as I thought I was finally rid of my HA. Nope, apparently not.
So today I woke up and noticed I had 2 red bumps on my right arm, one has a yellow head to it and the other has like little bits of blood on the surface if that makes sense. I also had one on my leg, but that seems to be calming down a bit now.
Soo I googled and obviously the first thing that came up was some form of cancer AND lymphoma which is my biggest fear of all.
I don't quite understand what these bumps could be, they're sooo itchy as well.
I've also had a bit of diarrahea today too but I'm not sure if thats linked to the bumps or not.
Anyone help? :( xxx

15-07-12, 16:40
Could be anything really - an insect bite, heat rash, spots

They will probably be gone in a few days

15-07-12, 17:30
As Nicola says they could be insect bites or heat rash. Certainly nothing out of the ordinary.

15-07-12, 17:33
Certainly sound like insect bites. Perhaps try some antihistamine if they are really itchy.