View Full Version : What Other Meds Are There Other Than ......

12-07-12, 01:54
SSRI's & SNRI's?

Quick update: was on Cit. from 2008 to 2011 and stopped because I/Dr thought they'd stopped working. Went down in a heap (5 Aug 2011) of feeling quite "off" and what I called "stomach anxiety". Was tried on Cymbalta, Prozac, Escit with disastrous results from side effects. Changed Doctors, diagnosed with Coeliac Disease in Feb 2012. Have been managing my gut health with a gluten free diet and have improved to some degree... I'm now on Mirtazapine because it was easy to go onto BUT all it does for me is help me sleep. Wished I'd never come off the Cit. but hindsight is a wonderful thing.

I now have Mild Depression and I supplement the Mirt 30mg with 1mg Lorazepam when needed and it's needed every day! Can't seem to get over that hump and feel like I use to.....waking up and looking forward to the day.

I see my Doctor tomorrow who has me on a program of vitamin and amino acids to detox the high copper level, caused by years of HRT.

My question is, what alternative meds are there for Mild Depression laced with a little anxiety that doesn't make you extremely nauseous?

12-07-12, 11:12
Could try ven, or an old TCA.

12-07-12, 13:26
I've already recommended pregabalin. I think it's the major alternative to ADs/benzodiazepines/beta blockers for low level anxiety at the moment.


12-07-12, 13:50
I wouldn't recommend pregabalin for depression.

I think you need an anti depressant - consider a TCA.

CBT would be worth a shot. Not sure how badly you are suffering, but CBT has been shown to be more effective than medication for mild depression.


12-07-12, 14:31
I'd already recommended pregabalin for anxiety, not depression, in a previous post. It can be combined with an antidepressant.

12-07-12, 16:46
Pregabalin is unnecessary for a little anxiety - nothing wrong with 1 lorazepam a day.

Treating the depression with a TCA should help the anxiety anyway.


14-07-12, 00:40
Thanks for the suggestions, folk. Doctor upped the Mirt. to 45mg but I don't think that's going to help so not going down that road. Going to stick to the 1 Lozza and 30mg Mirt until I see another Doctor up the coast.
Ah this all sucks....turning 60 did it, I was fine until I turned 60 and that was 5 years ago.