16-07-06, 21:32
Hi all, I'm really sorry but I am struggling, I can't eat, sleep, constantly in tears, Anxious all the time, adrenaline dripping through me and feel constantly edgey.

I posted a thread a few days ago, so I'm sorry if I'm repeating myself?

It was about an SVT. I'll try and explain, basically, I had an ecg tracing done last week. I had it done because I've been more anxious recently and have been experiencing more palpitations than usual. I've suffered from anxiety since I was 15 and am now 24 so I'm used to having palpitations and a racey heart when I panic.

So, I took a panic attack whilst having the ECG tracing done and it showed an SVT?!
The doc treating me in the hosp, didn't know my background and so didn't know I suffer frm really bad panic attacks.

I'm really scared 2 look up SVT on google because I'm v paranoid bout my health.

I've been told it's a rapid heart rate/ palpitations? I always get this when I'm anxious. Always have done!

I guess I just want 2 know if an SVT and be caused by a severe panic attack? I've had 2 echo's done in the past and I've had several ecg's. I've also had the 24 hr tape monitor and none of these things showed anything abnormal. My sister died of a v.rare cardio disease so I'm very paranoid and scared about anything 2 do with the heart, or health in general.

I am scared Sh1tless!!!! It's driving my mum up the wall!!!

I was already an agrophobic, that has depression and multiple anxieties but this has got me, and I can't break the cycle. I just can't function.

I really, really hope that someone can help me, because I don't want to have to go to the psychciatric hospital. I've been given diazipam, which I'm also scared to take. Do you think it would help calm me? I start getting anxious if I start feeling different.

I would b eternally grateful to anyone who could help, reassure me?

Thank you

16-07-06, 22:10
Hi Charlotte, sorry you're having such a bad time. SVT is a rapid heart beat and i found a quote about it that might help to reassure you -

'In SVT, the top two chambers of the heart beat very quickly, usually at a rate between 140 and 240 beats per minute. In most cases, the heart is normal and the heart rhythm is harmless although uncomfortable'

Also, as you have had echo's and ECGs in the past, they would have shown any heart problems if there was something wrong.

What did your doctor say about the SVT? Do you have to go back? It might be worthwhile for you to explain your concerns to the doctor, so he can reassure you and explain properly what it means. But remember that ECGs and Echo's show alot, and if there was something wrong with your heart I'm sure it would have shown up on these.

16-07-06, 22:17
Hi Charlotte, I can understand why you are so worried and how you can see what is happening to you is related to what happened to your sister. Try and trust the doctors who have performed all these tests, if they showed nothing abnormal then just remember that. i too looked up SVT and it says that it is when the heart beats faster/ palpitations. I would definitely speak to your dr about your worries about SVT, they should have explained it to you really and reassured you at the time. Diazepam can help to relax you, just remember you should only take them for a short time. they can make you feel very sleepy.

Take care

'This too will pass'

16-07-06, 22:43
Hi Charlotte,

I know what your going through and I feel your fear. The biggest thing that has helped me is to accept the doctors assurances that your fine. I know this is hard to do - belive me I know. But I ask myself - who am i to question this doctors skill and knowledge. He/She has been to med school and knows things I dont.

I also hope you can find a doc you trust. I don't know how things work in the UK, but here in the states we can choose our docs (depending on the insurance plan) and I have been seeing my doc for 15 years and I have alot of faith and trust in him. Still it's hard when I know what I am feeling - to me it's real. As I write this I am having stomach pain, my doc says not to worry, he has no concerns, to me I am afraid it's cancer. But I'm telling myself my doc knows me, knows my anxieties, and he has my trust.

Try and calm yourself down and try and accept what you have been told. Sounds like they have really covered things and they would know.


17-07-06, 00:04
Hi Charlotte, hope you feel better real soon hun.

Take care



polly daydream
17-07-06, 01:08
Hi Charlotte, whenever I go in for an ECG I always end up having a panic attack and the doctor always mentions how fast my heart rate is but I always explain that I am panicking and that as soon as I get out of the surgery/hospital it will slow down, always let the doc know that you do suffer severe panick, then they will take it all into account. I always end up with bad arrythmia and palpatations whilst panicking. Have you got to have more tests? go back see your doctor and get him to explain more about SVT. Believe me sweet, if there was anything majorly bad with your heart, they would know!

Go back and get more reassurance if you need it.
PM me if you like.

Take care,

Polly x

17-07-06, 03:28
Hey char!

I hope your feeling better. If you have been dig. with SVT you doctor will now want to find the cause of SVT. You Doc may order a blood test to rule out electrolyte imbalances, a chest x-ray to rule out structural abnrmalities of the heart or a EKG to rule out abnormalities of the heart's electrical conduction system. Althought I always recommend to tell your doctor of your anxiety because it may very well be a possability of supraventricular tachycardia. But I also understand why you never told you doctor. Because sometimes I dont tell my doctor I have HA untill he tells me all is normale affaid he may just say its HA rather then ruling out other causes. Youll be in my thoughts and prays and I wish you well. Take care! Have a great weekend.. Oh and you should be following up with your doctor to rule out other causes of SVT. So stay close to your doctor and inform him about your signs and symtoms and I think it is a good idea to inform him of your HA!

Take care girl