View Full Version : Thoughts that I want to hit somebody when talking to them!!!

01-07-12, 01:17
I have just read a thread from 2011 with the exact same problem as me but I have lost it.

Basically for a couple of weeks now whilst talking to people close to me as in distance the thought comes in my head to hit them, this then freaks me out not a violent person at all, then I started thinking will I hit them, what if I hit them OMG why am I thinking this, I have even put my hands in my pockets or held my hands in case I do!!!!!

I know freaking out is making it worse so how should I handle the thought, I have tried to just let it drift by but my mind doesn't seem to let it!!

Its really making me feel miserable this, I prefered the thoughts that I was going to faint than this.

I have suffered panic attacks since I was 20 now 39, had CBT twice just finished a CBT and really doing well at the moment and now these stupid thoughts have come into my mind.

My fear before was fainting or avoiding places so I wouldn't have a panic attack, so now I am conquering that it's as if my mind thinks oh we can't have her getting better we will just chuck something else at her!!!

Any thoughts please

01-07-12, 02:35
hope u r ok..i feel for u on this..u have to keep telling urself these are just thoughts and nothing more....speak openly to a counsellor...
i constantly get crazy thoughts and hate it...ive tried seeing myself as 2 parts now...the anxious, crazy side and then the sensible genuine side..ive slowly trained the good to conquer the bad but it i not easy at all...let me know how u r getting on and PM me if u need a private chat x

01-07-12, 23:51
Hi nene,
I totally understand how you feel I get intrusive thoughts and it freaks me out and gets me right down. Then when i'm feeling ok I like try and test myself with the thoughts!
I've had pa/anxiety etc since I was about 22 and i'm now 35. It's like you get over one thing or fear and then the anx etc tries to get you with something else. It's like the anx is always lurking ready to pounce when you least expect it grr

I thought i would learn how to deal with it from my cbt, but unfortunately I haven't..... the only thing I was told, is that the reason they freak us out is because the thought goes right against our nature or anything we would do.
Anyway just wanted to let you know your not alone
Keep fighting the fight...don't give up we are stronger than we think x

02-07-12, 10:37
Thanks for getting back to me both of you, I totally get the 2 people thing thats I how feel the nice sensible person and the anxious freak :scared15:

03-07-12, 02:05
Don't worry about it, I think it's more related to "intrusive thoughts" than panic.

I mean the intrusive thoughts sometimes produce anxiety and panic because you think you're going crazy or will act out on them. I had the same type of intrusive thoughts like "Oh no, what if I jab myself in the neck with that sharp knife on the table?!" or "What if I drive on to oncoming traffic?!?" Rest assure, I had them for over 6 years and I have yet to act upon my intrusive thoughts! :yahoo:

Just realize that the right way to approach intrusive thoughts is the same way for recovering from anxiety/panic.