View Full Version : Hello

22-06-12, 16:08
Hello everyone :)

To start off i'm so glad theirs a website that offers help and support for people who suffer from panic attacks, anxiety and depression thanks to no more panic team for making this happen:). I've had panic attacks here and there for about 10 years, i'm now 30. My first panic attack was a horrible experience!! its main fuel was guilt but subsided once everything was out in the open and didn't suffer from them until a few years later. It came out the blue. I was on reception at work just doing my day to day work then it hit me all of a sudden,this time there was no understanding why this happened it scared the living daylights out of me!!. I didn't have another one up until January of this year but this one had hit me hard i had three one after the other where before it was just one. Ever since i've just gone down hill :weep:. I made an appointment with my g.p and she referred me to C.B.T but i needed a little more help so about 2 weeks ago i went back and was put on citalapram (10mg). I've been on them twice before and they helped me to cope but after 3 days on them this time i was having panic attacks on panic attacks at one point i had an urge to go and stab myself then told myself that would bloody hurt cass!!! that feeling went away. I soon came of them, but ever since i have gone through every emotion going my main thought is a fear of dying where its come from i don't know!!!!! I think its because i'm a control freak and dying i can't control :mad:. I'm off work at the moment because i'm fearing everything going to sleep because my hearts getting ectopics and palpitations (been tested everything's fine, try telling my head that!!) waking up makes me feel surreal and light headed its getting to the point where i would long to be normal again to not feel on edge all the time to not be frightened of dying and to stop crying all the time plus the rest!!! :scared15:. I'm glad its not just me but wouldn't want to wish this on anybody!!. Thanks for reading my thoughts guys please message back for your support xx

22-06-12, 16:19
Hi casswhite

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

22-06-12, 19:42
I am sorry things are so bad for you at the moment.

I had the same experience as you with Citalopram, I can't get on with the SSRI's anymore, more's the pitty, because they worked really well for my panic. I am now taking Mirtazapine/Amitriptyline which are not SSRI's. You did not say if you had been given an alternative medication? There are other tablets that you can take to help that you may be able to tolerate.

If you want to chat send me a PM

22-06-12, 20:56
Thanks so much for your reply and support much appreciated :-)
I was only given Propranolol (beta blocker) for my irregular heartbeats/anxiety its ok but i'm getting light headed all the time, not sure if that's just the hammering my body's had since this all started. She did suggest putting me on a different drug for my attacks but was reluctant at the moment because of my history with citalopram. I couldn't believe how much citalopram has knocked me sideways and how they have been fine twice before, strange!!
When did you have yours?? and how are you now??
Keep in touch been great to speak to someone who's gone through the same :-)

22-06-12, 22:20
I was just about to post an introduction and I clicked on yours and it described me almost exactly. I'm too scared to sleep, too scared to be awake. I'm terrified that my heart is going to give up on me. Ive just been put on citalopram and propanolol, which so far is making me worse.

Welcome to the board anyway, it's comforting to think there is someone out there going through the same thing.

22-06-12, 22:35
Hi and welcome to the site :)
We all know how hard it is to live with anxiety, panic attacks and depression so you have come to the right place. I remember my relief when I first found this site too :)
I hope you find the support you need here xx

23-06-12, 23:22
Hi there and :welcome:!

You're definitely not alone! Join in with some of the active threads that you can relate to and you'll soon find there are people here who are happy to listen and give support. I'm sure you'll be a comfort to others too.

Take care

Pip xx