View Full Version : twitching eye

24-05-12, 08:52

anybody suffered with a twitch at the side of the eye driving me mad had it just over a week. twitches for about 1/2 hrs then goes away for a few hours. thought it had gone yesterday then it started again about 10.00pm. Starting to panic me now.


24-05-12, 09:23
oh i had this for weeks and weeks, same place, same eye, it drove me mad.

Someone told me it was because i was run down and tired, anyway its only the last two days i've not had it, fingers crossed it stays away.

Try not to panic over it, it will no doubt just stop again like mine did.

24-05-12, 09:36
hello diana

thanks for your reply. it pulses all the time soooo annoying. glad you got it on the side of the eye most people get it on the eye lid or under the eye. It has put my mind at rest. thanks again.


Mr Brownstone
24-05-12, 19:47
This is probably similar to leg twitches I used to get...lasted 2 or 3 months. Doc said it was nothing and it has gone away.

24-05-12, 20:32
I have experienced the same thing multiple times.